Today was a looonngggg day for me and pretty much everyone else.
Today I believe I woke up at around 10:30AM and ate some breakfast! I brushed my teethe and got on the internet. Shortly after I decided to play some GUItar! I got a little bit more better today. Anyways, I jammed for quite a while and took a shower. After that I believe I played the guitar a little bit more again. By now I think it is like 1:30PMish. I then decided to take a nap cause for some reason I was tired. I woke up around 2:45PM? Then my sister told me to already get ready for the Anime convention at Onward Hotel. It took a while for my sister to get ready and get all her things together. We then headed out to the anime convention at Onward.
Once we got there I think it was about 4PM? We then checked out the anime places! We then saw Will and he showed us these rooms they were renting out and used as dressing rooms lOLOLOL! It was pretty cool! I went as Keiichi Maebara from Higurashi! Pretty neat stuff. Anyways, it took her forever to change.
When she was done changing we met headed down to the Oasis room which was near the waterpark. Inside I got to look around a bit before having to go back to the "room" and get my sister's wallet and Will's tripod. It took me a while to get there actually because I had a stomach ache a long the way and the elevator was broken.
When I got back, then things started getting serious. The first thing I did was get my purple wristband and go to the anime selling table. I bought myself three "Lain" posters which are now proudly displayed in my room.
After this Arvin told me he was there so I headed in his direction! On my way there I got a glimpse of the bargain table! It was pretty cool! I was imagining more things though. I first got my fr33 lunch and then bought a couple Japanese shoujen jumps! Pretty neat phone book stuff. Anyways. Jerome and Von showed up at this point! We a little later met up with Arvin!
We then got our stuff together and went to the Oasis room. By now there was a LOT of people! Inside we looked around and took pictures and did things!!!!
I can't go in detail right now cause I am so tired. Maybe someday I will come back and go in detail.
Anyways, in a nutshell. First was the Vocaloid group dance thing. And then there was the cosplay competitions! I was init. But I didn't win. LOLOL!
man I am way too tired.
But I did get to take cell pics of some of the pretty cosplayer ;D
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Paranormal Activity review.
Before I watched the movie Paranormal Activity I have been hearing hyperbolic praise on how amazingly terrifying the movie was. I heard advertisements going "scariest movie of 2009" or "THE WHOLE AUDIENCE WAS PSYCHOLOGICALLY TERRIFIED" and I must admit, it kind of made me eager to watch the movie.
The story of the movie is about this couple who decides to record the "Paranormal Activity" that was happening to them. Everything in the movie is taken place within the house of the main characters. Then again the home cameras are home cameras for a reason. Although, this makes it feel more realistic, it sort of get's boring after seeing the same things over and over again.
The most important aspect is, was "Paranormal Activity" scary? I would say yes and no. I think the director did a brilliant job of making each night worse and worse. However, I did not find anything scary enough that left me "PSYCHOLOGICALLY TERRIFIED". Some parts I do admit, was sort of creepy, but overall I think the movie was a cake walk in recent horror films. I still personally think "1408" was a better psychological horror. I think the trailer of the movie actually shows most of the scary parts minus one of the coolest scenes in the movie. The trailer actually has the final scary part of the movie included :O
Does the low budget detract from the horror? I'd also say yes and no. Some parts were very obviously fake like the whole air bubble part and such, however, some parts the low budget made it look a lot more terrifying like the coolest part of the movie which I will absolutely not spoil.
The acting was believable which was quintessential for the movie to be "realistic". Some jokes here and there sort of distracted the whole seriousness of the movie. To tell you the truth, I think this movie can pass as a comedy/thriller. I think people were laughing more than they were screaming in fear.
All in all, I think this movie seriously does not live up to the extreme hyperbolic claims that you keep hearing about everywhere. Now that I look at all the trailers and hype, it feels like it was just a massive marketing ploy to see how much money you can get with spending the least amount of money on a movie. A budget movie like this should stay in the thriller section of your nearest Mom and Pop video rental store. "Paranormal Activity" gets 2.6/5 (Average)
The story of the movie is about this couple who decides to record the "Paranormal Activity" that was happening to them. Everything in the movie is taken place within the house of the main characters. Then again the home cameras are home cameras for a reason. Although, this makes it feel more realistic, it sort of get's boring after seeing the same things over and over again.
The most important aspect is, was "Paranormal Activity" scary? I would say yes and no. I think the director did a brilliant job of making each night worse and worse. However, I did not find anything scary enough that left me "PSYCHOLOGICALLY TERRIFIED". Some parts I do admit, was sort of creepy, but overall I think the movie was a cake walk in recent horror films. I still personally think "1408" was a better psychological horror. I think the trailer of the movie actually shows most of the scary parts minus one of the coolest scenes in the movie. The trailer actually has the final scary part of the movie included :O
Does the low budget detract from the horror? I'd also say yes and no. Some parts were very obviously fake like the whole air bubble part and such, however, some parts the low budget made it look a lot more terrifying like the coolest part of the movie which I will absolutely not spoil.
The acting was believable which was quintessential for the movie to be "realistic". Some jokes here and there sort of distracted the whole seriousness of the movie. To tell you the truth, I think this movie can pass as a comedy/thriller. I think people were laughing more than they were screaming in fear.
All in all, I think this movie seriously does not live up to the extreme hyperbolic claims that you keep hearing about everywhere. Now that I look at all the trailers and hype, it feels like it was just a massive marketing ploy to see how much money you can get with spending the least amount of money on a movie. A budget movie like this should stay in the thriller section of your nearest Mom and Pop video rental store. "Paranormal Activity" gets 2.6/5 (Average)
Friday, October 23, 2009
Yet another GEM-NET filled GEM?
LOLOL! Every day we have a combined GEM I am compelled to write a blog about it. Oh well, my day today was pretty okay today. I could have made it better myself but I just didn't.
9:15AM I got a call from Cheerful which pretty much woke me up. She was asking where I was and I think if the study group went down. Anyways after this I took a shower and quickly got ready since my sister was already almost late going to her class. We got there luckily on time actually. I thought she as gonna be at least 5 mins late but I was unfortunately wrong. Later, I decided to set up camp right in the lobby of the science building while waiting for Cheerful and Joe for the study group. As I was waiting I remember a pretty cute girl asking me some questions about the practical but I forgot most of the detail that went down. Afterward, I busted out the laptop and got my textbook from the car. I was trying to forget about the practical actually by using the internet but the internet today was malafunksion so I decided to study. Later, Cheerful came at around 10:45AMish I think and we started the studying!
She then started to search my laptop for some "stuff" at around 11AMish and that's when Joe came. We then headed toward the library to study there for the practical. When we got there, I met someone new. I forgot her name, I think it was Luna or something like that. We then studied together and later on Luna left. I then decided at around 12PMISh to borrow Joe's phone to call Paul. I called him and begged him to go to our GEM later but to no avail. I then went back to the study group and Cheerful and Joe had to go ;__; I cried a little. They had to go cause Cheerful wanted to change her pants which looked perfectly awesome. The time now was about 12:30PMish. I then studied a little by myself and got pretty distracted by the internet. Later on I got pretty hungry.
So I headed toward the cafeteria. I took the long way around since I didn't like walking through the rotunda some times. When I got there I first went to Stomping Grounds for something "fun" to drink since I was pretty down. I settled for "Chai Tea", I got it in hot. It tasted really good, tasted like fall season (nutmeg/cinnamon/etc) there was whip cream on it too. Anyways, after I got that I headed to Isla for my sad two choice meal. It's sad because it's just uninspiring and I will have to eat it by myself, again. To make it less sad I ordered a side of fries to go with it. I had my two choice [some bbq chicken?/honey walnut shrimp/fried krab (notice the K in krab)/two scopes of rice] to go. I waited about 10 mins for the fries. As I was waiting for the fries I said yo dawg to Jayton Okada. I saw a pretty cute girl by herself and thought about eating with her but then I decided that it was a creepy thing to do so I decided to eat outside so I wouldn't feel as sad as I would eating a lone in the inside of the cafeteria with no one around. I had to take two trips to the table out side since I couldn't carry all my food and book and bag with me. No one stole it for some reason. When I got to the table out side my fork and napkin was on the floor cause the wind scattered them. I picked them up, brushed them off, then used them. Oh yeah, right now will be around 1PMish. I ate some of my fries first and then started on my two choice. As I was eating there was caterpillars on the table and I found a small one on my pants after, so I guess I wasn't truly alone. I had the lap top on with some Anthony Green playing so it was a pretty rad meal actually, even when I was by myself. I then finished my tea and headed to the practical. When I got there I thought I was gonna be late. Notice now was 130PMish and that's the time of my practical but we didn't start will about 140PMish since it was just that long.
It was a pretty normal lab practical. Cheerful like called me FOUR times during the practical!!! I thought I was gonna get an instant fail after the third time but thank goodness the professor was cool and turned a blind eye about it. I ate some more M&Ms then usually since it was a seventy five question long marathon of a test. Then again it was a midterm practical. Afterward, I caught up with Cheerful and Joe. I gave them a good heads up about the practical and some questions they might find. I then headed home. Time now I think it was around 3:40PMish???
When I got home I played the guitar for a bit and was asked to go on Facebook by Cheerful. I then got on and helped them out a bit further. I then took a good two hour nap. When I woke up it was already time to get ready for the GEM and Arvin was there. Time now 6:40PMish. When I was done getting ready for the GEM I played the guitar for a little bit and then we left at around 7:10PMish. We got to Harmon at around 7:25PMish.
Now things got a little bit busy. Brother Gary got me and Jerome on camera duty and got some b-roll around the place and inside the church a little too. We got some more b-roll of cars cumming in and people cumming too. We then met up with Almie and everyone to do the first interview. It was with sister Rome I believe her name was. We did it in the hall of Harmon downstairs. It went pretty well in my opinion. Later on we went outside looking for more people to interview. We then set up camp in that place near the stage. We set up for future interviews and this one sister which I don't know her name but she was quite attractive but I think she was married, started to look over my work (script). Geonard was there too so that was awesome LOL! We then got the interview place ready with lights and everything. Then the interviews started again. Our first interview was with senator Agoun! Friendly/intelligent sort of guy. His interview went pretty gravy. We then interviewed one of Jam's guests. His name was Kevin I believe and he did pretty well. We tried to get more of Jam's guests to be interviewed but they ran away.
After this me and Arvin decided to walk around and get some "contacts" lOLOL! Not realy. But I seriously wanted some food though. I met up with Ceejay and DJ lOL! It was pretty cool seeing everyone again. Later on we met up with Carlo too! He had the book so we went around and found his grandfather for the keys to the car so we can get the "book". We then found him and got some fruits and the "book" the "book" was Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut! Awesome book! I read the first three chapters and it was amazing! Anyways I then walked around and showed off the book and people were like O_O!!!! SUGOIIII DESUU!!!! REALLY!
LOLOL! Afterward, I met up with the Apra Heights crew and were doing some thumb wrestling. Gosh my thumbs are really wet noodles. They ALL beat me! Even AMBER ;__;! LAMMMMEEE!!! Anyways then I decided to jam the Guitar with Carlo, CeeJay, and Denzel! We jammed like awesome hippies and all of the sudden there was a bunch of lights and then a lot of people. Were there and an ambulance. I thought some one got murdered. There was a great big scene. I'm sure it was urgent but I don't think all those people should have crowded in a situation like that, puts more pressure on the people it directly affected. I was trying to divert some people with my complex guitar playing sKILLZ and fast/loud speak but it didn't really work. Anyways what seemed to have happened was brother Jelson's wife passed out and wouldn't wake up (hopefully she is okay now). Note the time now was around 10PMish. I actually got to meet sorta a new girl sorta. Her name was Brittney. I thought she was Maria or Jesselyn but I was wrong. Oh well, then we jammed the guitar a little more and more people had to leave. We all said our good byes and went separate ways. I played the guitar a little more and sang pretty loud. Glad no one hurd me. Or did they??? We then went home and I ate some ham sandwiches and here I am. It took me 42minutes to get this far. I know cause I started at 11PM and now it is 11:42PM. Well later until next time.
9:15AM I got a call from Cheerful which pretty much woke me up. She was asking where I was and I think if the study group went down. Anyways after this I took a shower and quickly got ready since my sister was already almost late going to her class. We got there luckily on time actually. I thought she as gonna be at least 5 mins late but I was unfortunately wrong. Later, I decided to set up camp right in the lobby of the science building while waiting for Cheerful and Joe for the study group. As I was waiting I remember a pretty cute girl asking me some questions about the practical but I forgot most of the detail that went down. Afterward, I busted out the laptop and got my textbook from the car. I was trying to forget about the practical actually by using the internet but the internet today was malafunksion so I decided to study. Later, Cheerful came at around 10:45AMish I think and we started the studying!
She then started to search my laptop for some "stuff" at around 11AMish and that's when Joe came. We then headed toward the library to study there for the practical. When we got there, I met someone new. I forgot her name, I think it was Luna or something like that. We then studied together and later on Luna left. I then decided at around 12PMISh to borrow Joe's phone to call Paul. I called him and begged him to go to our GEM later but to no avail. I then went back to the study group and Cheerful and Joe had to go ;__; I cried a little. They had to go cause Cheerful wanted to change her pants which looked perfectly awesome. The time now was about 12:30PMish. I then studied a little by myself and got pretty distracted by the internet. Later on I got pretty hungry.
So I headed toward the cafeteria. I took the long way around since I didn't like walking through the rotunda some times. When I got there I first went to Stomping Grounds for something "fun" to drink since I was pretty down. I settled for "Chai Tea", I got it in hot. It tasted really good, tasted like fall season (nutmeg/cinnamon/etc) there was whip cream on it too. Anyways, after I got that I headed to Isla for my sad two choice meal. It's sad because it's just uninspiring and I will have to eat it by myself, again. To make it less sad I ordered a side of fries to go with it. I had my two choice [some bbq chicken?/honey walnut shrimp/fried krab (notice the K in krab)/two scopes of rice] to go. I waited about 10 mins for the fries. As I was waiting for the fries I said yo dawg to Jayton Okada. I saw a pretty cute girl by herself and thought about eating with her but then I decided that it was a creepy thing to do so I decided to eat outside so I wouldn't feel as sad as I would eating a lone in the inside of the cafeteria with no one around. I had to take two trips to the table out side since I couldn't carry all my food and book and bag with me. No one stole it for some reason. When I got to the table out side my fork and napkin was on the floor cause the wind scattered them. I picked them up, brushed them off, then used them. Oh yeah, right now will be around 1PMish. I ate some of my fries first and then started on my two choice. As I was eating there was caterpillars on the table and I found a small one on my pants after, so I guess I wasn't truly alone. I had the lap top on with some Anthony Green playing so it was a pretty rad meal actually, even when I was by myself. I then finished my tea and headed to the practical. When I got there I thought I was gonna be late. Notice now was 130PMish and that's the time of my practical but we didn't start will about 140PMish since it was just that long.
It was a pretty normal lab practical. Cheerful like called me FOUR times during the practical!!! I thought I was gonna get an instant fail after the third time but thank goodness the professor was cool and turned a blind eye about it. I ate some more M&Ms then usually since it was a seventy five question long marathon of a test. Then again it was a midterm practical. Afterward, I caught up with Cheerful and Joe. I gave them a good heads up about the practical and some questions they might find. I then headed home. Time now I think it was around 3:40PMish???
When I got home I played the guitar for a bit and was asked to go on Facebook by Cheerful. I then got on and helped them out a bit further. I then took a good two hour nap. When I woke up it was already time to get ready for the GEM and Arvin was there. Time now 6:40PMish. When I was done getting ready for the GEM I played the guitar for a little bit and then we left at around 7:10PMish. We got to Harmon at around 7:25PMish.
Now things got a little bit busy. Brother Gary got me and Jerome on camera duty and got some b-roll around the place and inside the church a little too. We got some more b-roll of cars cumming in and people cumming too. We then met up with Almie and everyone to do the first interview. It was with sister Rome I believe her name was. We did it in the hall of Harmon downstairs. It went pretty well in my opinion. Later on we went outside looking for more people to interview. We then set up camp in that place near the stage. We set up for future interviews and this one sister which I don't know her name but she was quite attractive but I think she was married, started to look over my work (script). Geonard was there too so that was awesome LOL! We then got the interview place ready with lights and everything. Then the interviews started again. Our first interview was with senator Agoun! Friendly/intelligent sort of guy. His interview went pretty gravy. We then interviewed one of Jam's guests. His name was Kevin I believe and he did pretty well. We tried to get more of Jam's guests to be interviewed but they ran away.
After this me and Arvin decided to walk around and get some "contacts" lOLOL! Not realy. But I seriously wanted some food though. I met up with Ceejay and DJ lOL! It was pretty cool seeing everyone again. Later on we met up with Carlo too! He had the book so we went around and found his grandfather for the keys to the car so we can get the "book". We then found him and got some fruits and the "book" the "book" was Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut! Awesome book! I read the first three chapters and it was amazing! Anyways I then walked around and showed off the book and people were like O_O!!!! SUGOIIII DESUU!!!! REALLY!
LOLOL! Afterward, I met up with the Apra Heights crew and were doing some thumb wrestling. Gosh my thumbs are really wet noodles. They ALL beat me! Even AMBER ;__;! LAMMMMEEE!!! Anyways then I decided to jam the Guitar with Carlo, CeeJay, and Denzel! We jammed like awesome hippies and all of the sudden there was a bunch of lights and then a lot of people. Were there and an ambulance. I thought some one got murdered. There was a great big scene. I'm sure it was urgent but I don't think all those people should have crowded in a situation like that, puts more pressure on the people it directly affected. I was trying to divert some people with my complex guitar playing sKILLZ and fast/loud speak but it didn't really work. Anyways what seemed to have happened was brother Jelson's wife passed out and wouldn't wake up (hopefully she is okay now). Note the time now was around 10PMish. I actually got to meet sorta a new girl sorta. Her name was Brittney. I thought she was Maria or Jesselyn but I was wrong. Oh well, then we jammed the guitar a little more and more people had to leave. We all said our good byes and went separate ways. I played the guitar a little more and sang pretty loud. Glad no one hurd me. Or did they??? We then went home and I ate some ham sandwiches and here I am. It took me 42minutes to get this far. I know cause I started at 11PM and now it is 11:42PM. Well later until next time.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Criticisms of Stanley's view of Guam's Anarco-Communist dream society.
In this blog I will be copy pasting my friend's blog and I shall critic what I think is wrong and what I agree with. Maybe even simplify some other parts.
"Anarchist communism is a far-left movement which advocates the abolition of the state, private property, and capitalism in favor of common ownership of the means of production, direct or consensus democracy and a horizontal network of voluntary associations, workers' councils, or a gift economy through which everyone will be free to satisfy their needs.
Let me reword this whole definition into something more digestible. Anarcho-Communism is an egalitarian society which rids the population of any form of social classes. Government, private property, and capitalism exists no more. The economy will be run by a "gift economy" where members of society are free to contribute to and partake from based on each person's individual needs.
The people of Guam will all agree on this ideology and work together in order to maintain their society. One of the major changes will be the movement from America's ideas of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, to true freedom cannot exist for all, unless the rights of all are respected by all. One of the first changes would be the division of Guam into smaller communities. Anarchy cannot work in large populations where organization and order would be difficult. Each community will be in charge of fending for itself and its people. Alliances would be drawn out from each community agreeing on certain aspects such as aiding each other and responsibility for their respected areas. Each community must also agree that it must focus on maintaining itself, so that it will be able to receive help from others while not one community simply rely on being fed.
Liberty and true freedom is extremely stressed in an anarcho-communist community. With the ability to be able to do what ever job you actually want to do without worrying about how much money you will need to pay the rent is an example of true freedom. People will also be more happier without any money stresses more people will be able to live life more in ease. As for division into smaller communities I would some what agree to a point. I don't think the communities will be fending for their selves but I believe the closest thing to a community there will be on Guam is that all the farmers will be in their area and all the tailors/construction workers/ factory workers will be in another area. Not because they have disagreements or anything but for production efficiency. Alliances just simply cannot exist for alliances will require some form of hierarchy or division of members.
The communities would be divided into the villages of Guam. Where the communities allow free movement from each village. There would need to be representatives in each village to gather and meet to represent their people, a sort of village ambassador. They would meet and organize their community in which would serve Guam best as a whole. They would set up the communities to work in which not one community relies on another to survive. This society would need the essential workers, which are farmers, fishermen, doctors, teachers. Some would say that artists are required, in order to maintain culture and entertainment.
I was thinking about the villages on Guam and their differences actually. I believe the villages will still have their own unique names and such but I don't think they will be divided. I already went over how things are going to be broken down according to jobs. Yes free passage is a must. If they regulate passage then that's a form of government. I seriously oppose the whole idea of ambassadors and representatives in each village for each are a form of hierarchy. There will be community stores like a farmers market where you can get all your grocery needs and be able to give back to the market's workers. Yes the island would of course have all of the essential workers. Remember everyone is now free to do what they want to.
Although everyone is free to work or not, it would be best to develop the mindset of the people that working for the benefit of society is an essential part of life. This could be done through education, people will learn that in order for them to survive, everyone must do their part. The anarcho-communist Guam will be different from what it looks like today. Guam would be divided up into villages which will try and organize themselves for the benefit of the community. There would be farmers, fishermen, doctors, teachers, and artisans in each village in order to maintain their society.
:/ pretty much except the village division
The United States allowed Guam to change its ideology to Anarcho-Communism. In order to not create a bad influence on the people, the United States decides to move its military somewhere else, leaving the people of Guam their right to practice thier ideology.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Good idea to the whole movement of the military. I never thought of that :D! I was thinking in forms of violent revolutions and such. A+!
Guam would abolish state, private property, and capitalism. Guam would be limited in contact with other Nations because of thier new "goverment." The abolishment of currency would rid of all imported goods to Guam. Few nations will accept trade with Guam considering its few resources. With limited resources, population will rapidly decrease. Most likely, people will move to other places once they hear that Guam will be an anarcho-communist society. People will realize that Guam do not have the sufficient resources in order to maintain the current population and will move before anarchy truly does turn to chaos.
I don't think nations would accept trade with Guam actually, for nations requires customs forms and such which we won't have because of 0% capitalism or a free market too. As for population decrease I now agree with population decrease. But the extent is still a giant guess for us. I think it would still decrease around the first 5-7 years just cause if everything today was to switch, yeah food supplies will be gone quickly and we will have to get the hang of having more farmers/fishermen/tailors/etc. I'd say after the first 5-7 there at the worst case scenario will be a 1-2/3 population decrease. I'm sure after the make or break 10 years population will slowly again increase slowly but surely. After the thirty years. We will probably be back to almost the same population. People must have accepted the facts that they are going to die. So no people will move. Unless there really was like a months notice before the change of population. If that was the case then a good chunk of population will be gone and less people will be dying from starvation.
Villages will establish themselves once everything settles. Farms and fishermen will most likely be the main source of food for every village. Schools and hospitals will also be established in each village. Education in the new society would mostly focus on maintaining the current ideology and create members of society that be benificial for the anarcho-communist society. Health care would be extremely limited because the study of modern medicine would be limited due to the focus of maintaining society at its current level. There would not be enough resources or people to conduct research.
Pretty much. Schools will still exist. But how they run will be different. Like kids do not have to go to class and such. The idea behind this is that kids who actually want to study will get to study without trouble makers being in class disrupting and such. As for health care, it would be a very community thing imo. I'm sure there are going to be very smart people left on Guam who know natural remedies and such.
People would work and contribute to their village. And in return they are able to obtain thier needs that the village provides. And this would be allowed to work in between villages themselves. The emphasis would be that not one village would rely on others but they would understand that there is no such thing as true independence, that they realize that everyone is linked together in their society.
Well I agree with most of that but I still think independence is still extremely stressed in this ideology. Being able to give gifts and to receive them is ultimate independence for me imo."
"Anarchist communism is a far-left movement which advocates the abolition of the state, private property, and capitalism in favor of common ownership of the means of production, direct or consensus democracy and a horizontal network of voluntary associations, workers' councils, or a gift economy through which everyone will be free to satisfy their needs.
Let me reword this whole definition into something more digestible. Anarcho-Communism is an egalitarian society which rids the population of any form of social classes. Government, private property, and capitalism exists no more. The economy will be run by a "gift economy" where members of society are free to contribute to and partake from based on each person's individual needs.
The people of Guam will all agree on this ideology and work together in order to maintain their society. One of the major changes will be the movement from America's ideas of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, to true freedom cannot exist for all, unless the rights of all are respected by all. One of the first changes would be the division of Guam into smaller communities. Anarchy cannot work in large populations where organization and order would be difficult. Each community will be in charge of fending for itself and its people. Alliances would be drawn out from each community agreeing on certain aspects such as aiding each other and responsibility for their respected areas. Each community must also agree that it must focus on maintaining itself, so that it will be able to receive help from others while not one community simply rely on being fed.
Liberty and true freedom is extremely stressed in an anarcho-communist community. With the ability to be able to do what ever job you actually want to do without worrying about how much money you will need to pay the rent is an example of true freedom. People will also be more happier without any money stresses more people will be able to live life more in ease. As for division into smaller communities I would some what agree to a point. I don't think the communities will be fending for their selves but I believe the closest thing to a community there will be on Guam is that all the farmers will be in their area and all the tailors/construction workers/ factory workers will be in another area. Not because they have disagreements or anything but for production efficiency. Alliances just simply cannot exist for alliances will require some form of hierarchy or division of members.
The communities would be divided into the villages of Guam. Where the communities allow free movement from each village. There would need to be representatives in each village to gather and meet to represent their people, a sort of village ambassador. They would meet and organize their community in which would serve Guam best as a whole. They would set up the communities to work in which not one community relies on another to survive. This society would need the essential workers, which are farmers, fishermen, doctors, teachers. Some would say that artists are required, in order to maintain culture and entertainment.
I was thinking about the villages on Guam and their differences actually. I believe the villages will still have their own unique names and such but I don't think they will be divided. I already went over how things are going to be broken down according to jobs. Yes free passage is a must. If they regulate passage then that's a form of government. I seriously oppose the whole idea of ambassadors and representatives in each village for each are a form of hierarchy. There will be community stores like a farmers market where you can get all your grocery needs and be able to give back to the market's workers. Yes the island would of course have all of the essential workers. Remember everyone is now free to do what they want to.
Although everyone is free to work or not, it would be best to develop the mindset of the people that working for the benefit of society is an essential part of life. This could be done through education, people will learn that in order for them to survive, everyone must do their part. The anarcho-communist Guam will be different from what it looks like today. Guam would be divided up into villages which will try and organize themselves for the benefit of the community. There would be farmers, fishermen, doctors, teachers, and artisans in each village in order to maintain their society.
:/ pretty much except the village division
The United States allowed Guam to change its ideology to Anarcho-Communism. In order to not create a bad influence on the people, the United States decides to move its military somewhere else, leaving the people of Guam their right to practice thier ideology.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Good idea to the whole movement of the military. I never thought of that :D! I was thinking in forms of violent revolutions and such. A+!
Guam would abolish state, private property, and capitalism. Guam would be limited in contact with other Nations because of thier new "goverment." The abolishment of currency would rid of all imported goods to Guam. Few nations will accept trade with Guam considering its few resources. With limited resources, population will rapidly decrease. Most likely, people will move to other places once they hear that Guam will be an anarcho-communist society. People will realize that Guam do not have the sufficient resources in order to maintain the current population and will move before anarchy truly does turn to chaos.
I don't think nations would accept trade with Guam actually, for nations requires customs forms and such which we won't have because of 0% capitalism or a free market too. As for population decrease I now agree with population decrease. But the extent is still a giant guess for us. I think it would still decrease around the first 5-7 years just cause if everything today was to switch, yeah food supplies will be gone quickly and we will have to get the hang of having more farmers/fishermen/tailors/etc. I'd say after the first 5-7 there at the worst case scenario will be a 1-2/3 population decrease. I'm sure after the make or break 10 years population will slowly again increase slowly but surely. After the thirty years. We will probably be back to almost the same population. People must have accepted the facts that they are going to die. So no people will move. Unless there really was like a months notice before the change of population. If that was the case then a good chunk of population will be gone and less people will be dying from starvation.
Villages will establish themselves once everything settles. Farms and fishermen will most likely be the main source of food for every village. Schools and hospitals will also be established in each village. Education in the new society would mostly focus on maintaining the current ideology and create members of society that be benificial for the anarcho-communist society. Health care would be extremely limited because the study of modern medicine would be limited due to the focus of maintaining society at its current level. There would not be enough resources or people to conduct research.
Pretty much. Schools will still exist. But how they run will be different. Like kids do not have to go to class and such. The idea behind this is that kids who actually want to study will get to study without trouble makers being in class disrupting and such. As for health care, it would be a very community thing imo. I'm sure there are going to be very smart people left on Guam who know natural remedies and such.
People would work and contribute to their village. And in return they are able to obtain thier needs that the village provides. And this would be allowed to work in between villages themselves. The emphasis would be that not one village would rely on others but they would understand that there is no such thing as true independence, that they realize that everyone is linked together in their society.
Well I agree with most of that but I still think independence is still extremely stressed in this ideology. Being able to give gifts and to receive them is ultimate independence for me imo."
Friday, August 21, 2009
08/21/09 Combined Harmon GEM day
Okay today I believe I woke up at around 12PM? I forgot what I ate, I think it might have been oh yeah! Them red hot dogs and noodles! After this I went to use the internet, I think I did my rounds (myspace then email then sputnikmusic then etc.) then I went to play WoW! Today I leveled up one to lvl 14! Amazing!
After this Arvin told me that we were gonna go to this barber at around 3:30PM. I then took a shower and went back on the internet. When Arvin got here it was 3:30PM and he decided to play some WoW here until 3:45 since our appointment was at 4PM.
Nothing really cool happened on the way there. When we got there Arvin was up first. I really liked the atmosphere in this barber place. It was called "Couture" which is French for fashion. Anyways, when Arvin was finished with his hair cut it looked similar but with most changes to the back and sides and top. Next was my turn. The hair cutting lady was pretty which was awesome! During the haircut she told me to lean forward and look down and she was standing in front of me too! So I was like...COOL? Anyways she made my haircut even cooler! Which is always a good thing! Then when I was done, Arvin got his eyebrows done (lol).
After this was over we headed down to Fukuda to get our paychecks. We saw AG and Craig there. We said hello to everyone when we got our checks. Today I got paid 280$ which was pretty good.
We then headed down to Payless and boy was traffic bad! It took forever to get from tumon to mall payless! When we got there I deposited my check and got some water in a 5 gallon. Frick we parked pretty far too. So I had to lift that 5 gallon pretty far >.
When I got home there was so much stuff to do. I sorta got ready for church and had to do some calling. First I called Fukuda to check if I was working the next day, however, I wasn't working according to them. Then I called all my visitors to see if any was going. Sadly, none of them could have made it. I also had trouble printing out my script. I got to print it out though which was a good thing.
Today I wore a pink long sleeve to the GEM, however, I rolled up the sleeves! Yeah boy! LOL! Anyways, then I sprayed on my new found cologne which is Nautica "Oceans" which smells really good, closest thing to a hollister product cologne. Anyways, when we got there it was raining pretty bad. We got there at around 7:10PM and then went to the side where everyone was. We first saw E.R and then everyone else came by (Leslie, Mark, Jerome, Almie, etc.) It was pretty cool!
When Arvin came we went inside. We sat in the balcony which was pretty cool. The new district minister preached very well and seemingly effective from my perspective.
After, we went to the bathroom and then we left and saw some of Cheerful's guests! It was Ron and Matt! I showed them the bathroom and caught up with old times! Dang, Matt had these red eye contacts that were over 100$! Anyways, I introduced them to some brethren like Von, Jerome, Mark, Geonard, etc! It was pretty rad! Oh yeah! Bro. Gary asked me to get something from his car which was the mic! I then bumped into hella people on my way which took me a while to get to the shwag.
Once I retrieved it from his car I walked quickly towards back to Bro. Gary! When I opened the door, they were doing an interview and the interviewed person was crying! Dang, I always come in at the wrong times.
Afterward, I went with everyone at the line for the food. And when I actually got to the food I only ate donuts. I basically had a calorie dense meal that night >.
Before the night was over me and Almie checked up on Bro. Gary on GEM net activities. Harmon practically had it in the bag. However, they used my intro and extro!!!!!! YEAH BOY! That made me feel pretty good since I worked pretty hard on them lol!
When the night was finally over and everyone had to go separate ways we all went home. It was really cool. Oh! I saw Hector today too! LOL! It was earlier on the night though!
When I got home I watched anime and did my internet rounds again lol!
After this Arvin told me that we were gonna go to this barber at around 3:30PM. I then took a shower and went back on the internet. When Arvin got here it was 3:30PM and he decided to play some WoW here until 3:45 since our appointment was at 4PM.
Nothing really cool happened on the way there. When we got there Arvin was up first. I really liked the atmosphere in this barber place. It was called "Couture" which is French for fashion. Anyways, when Arvin was finished with his hair cut it looked similar but with most changes to the back and sides and top. Next was my turn. The hair cutting lady was pretty which was awesome! During the haircut she told me to lean forward and look down and she was standing in front of me too! So I was like...COOL? Anyways she made my haircut even cooler! Which is always a good thing! Then when I was done, Arvin got his eyebrows done (lol).
After this was over we headed down to Fukuda to get our paychecks. We saw AG and Craig there. We said hello to everyone when we got our checks. Today I got paid 280$ which was pretty good.
We then headed down to Payless and boy was traffic bad! It took forever to get from tumon to mall payless! When we got there I deposited my check and got some water in a 5 gallon. Frick we parked pretty far too. So I had to lift that 5 gallon pretty far >.
When I got home there was so much stuff to do. I sorta got ready for church and had to do some calling. First I called Fukuda to check if I was working the next day, however, I wasn't working according to them. Then I called all my visitors to see if any was going. Sadly, none of them could have made it. I also had trouble printing out my script. I got to print it out though which was a good thing.
Today I wore a pink long sleeve to the GEM, however, I rolled up the sleeves! Yeah boy! LOL! Anyways, then I sprayed on my new found cologne which is Nautica "Oceans" which smells really good, closest thing to a hollister product cologne. Anyways, when we got there it was raining pretty bad. We got there at around 7:10PM and then went to the side where everyone was. We first saw E.R and then everyone else came by (Leslie, Mark, Jerome, Almie, etc.) It was pretty cool!
When Arvin came we went inside. We sat in the balcony which was pretty cool. The new district minister preached very well and seemingly effective from my perspective.
After, we went to the bathroom and then we left and saw some of Cheerful's guests! It was Ron and Matt! I showed them the bathroom and caught up with old times! Dang, Matt had these red eye contacts that were over 100$! Anyways, I introduced them to some brethren like Von, Jerome, Mark, Geonard, etc! It was pretty rad! Oh yeah! Bro. Gary asked me to get something from his car which was the mic! I then bumped into hella people on my way which took me a while to get to the shwag.
Once I retrieved it from his car I walked quickly towards back to Bro. Gary! When I opened the door, they were doing an interview and the interviewed person was crying! Dang, I always come in at the wrong times.
Afterward, I went with everyone at the line for the food. And when I actually got to the food I only ate donuts. I basically had a calorie dense meal that night >.
Before the night was over me and Almie checked up on Bro. Gary on GEM net activities. Harmon practically had it in the bag. However, they used my intro and extro!!!!!! YEAH BOY! That made me feel pretty good since I worked pretty hard on them lol!
When the night was finally over and everyone had to go separate ways we all went home. It was really cool. Oh! I saw Hector today too! LOL! It was earlier on the night though!
When I got home I watched anime and did my internet rounds again lol!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Saya no Uta the Review!

The gist of the storyline is about a guy named Fuminori who got into a car accident along with his parents. He is the sole survivor of the accident and all of his senses have severely changed. Everything that he see's has been changed in a way so that buildings, floors, walls, etc. are covered in blood/guts/organds/etc. The people are now scene as these monsters that can be described as slimy tentacle monsters with messed up voices. All of these are in his mind and he knows that. Everything in reality is still normal, it's just only he can see those.
The catch to the storyline is that he can see one person normally. That person is "Saya" who he see's as an innocent and glowing young loli. Fuminori then becomes attached to Saya since she is the only person he can see and hear "normally". He let's Saya stay over at his place and she helps him around in the house.
Saya is also on a quest to find her Father named Ougai. Fuminori helps her in exchange for her to keep him company.
Fuminori also has three close friends that try to talk to him but with no avail. Fuminori distances himself from his friends because he sees, hears, and even feels them as monsters.
Well that's all of the storyline that I will uncover, the rest is for you to find out by reading it yourself.
As a visual novel, "Saya No Uta" is pretty short, even when you get all of the different endings, it will take you about 4-5hours to accomplish. There's enough text to fill about a 120-150pg book I believe.
The choices given are pretty sparse and obvious to what will happen when you choose it. It's not really a let down since it doesn't interfere with the storyline that much, even though the choice heavily determines the outcome.
The songs and audio of the game are superb. The messed vocals of the "monsters" that fuminori hears show a good example of the insanity that must be plaguing his mind. The songs of the gore atmosphere is pretty agonizing in a way to show you what kind of pain Fuminori has to live through all the days of his life. It then changes rather well when he see's Saya as the sound changes from irritating to a more soothing song.
There is actual voice acting to complement the dialogue. The voice actors portray their characters in the best way possible. I wouldn't have chosen anyone else.
The art in the game is very gorgeous and detailed. The gore ridden world is shown in explicit detail and gives you a very good idea of what Fuminori has to live through. The CGs showing more of the dramatic parts are wonderfully drawn out as well.
The storyline is fricken mindblowing! I can't believe it doesn't have an anime yet! It's a weird hint of drama/romance/action/psychological all in one. It's amazing. The three endings are all very unique and very memorable on their own!
There isn't much to complain about this beside that it needs an anime! The short/condensed storyline is fine with me. It doesn't drift off and stays on topic! This truly is a classic! That's saying something! This is probably one of my first 5/5 recommendations overall for this year. Fricken find a way to read this! It's just that good! 5/5!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Harry Potter and the Half Blooded Review
The general gist of the storyline to the new movie is that Harry Potter is still on his quest to finally destroy Voledemort and reap revenge for giving him a scar on his forehead, oh and killing his parents. This year at Hogwarts all of the old faces you have come to love are still there and some new faces too.
Wow, now that I think about everything, there isn't really much to say about this new movie. All of the Harry Potter movies are pretty much very similar and the only difference being a new storyline and better visuals. I guess for this review I will take a look at the some of the tidbits of the movie.
First: Not as advertised
Well, the trailer for the movie made it seem hella hardcore in a sense that magicians are finally going to reveal them selves in the real world and cause some super havoc. It is also said something like that "They will cross their worlds...into ours" even though this is true, there really wasn't much to it. What they showed in the trailer the only part that shows them crossing their world into ours. I was expecting way more than a (!spoiler alert! oh wait, if you seen the trailer you I wouldn't be spoiling anything) bridge being twisted. It made it look like the evil wizards were taking humans as hostages, but that is already in their world when that happens. Yeah, this was a pretty big letdown, well then again if you read the book you probably would of already known that. Strike one for not having read the book and expecting more!
Secondly: Same same same. How about everyone else? Ohhhh shiney
I find it interesting that the movie is 2 and a half hours long and for the most part you will be seeing only Harry Potter and Dumbledore. It felt like they had some of the other characters pop up at random moments (seconds at a time) just so they can say they were there. A lot of scenes really do look like they could have came from past movies. Well the visuals are pretty beefed up this time around. They all look wonderful and pretty cool (Ino vague but heck). To go into more detail, it's mostly the cloud/smoke effects that really stood out. The locations are very believable and indeed very colorful. It feels so alive and real. I wouldn't mind actually visiting the set just to check out some of the buildings and such.
Thirdly: Wait that's it?
This is one of those "if you didn't read the book then too bad" moments. Since I am one (and there are many) of the people who have not read the book, I thought there was going to be an extra hour of footage before they decided to call it quits and show the credits. It seriously left me dumbfounded and left me feeling scammed. Heck Voldemort the series' main antagonist didn't even show up (well in flashbacks but for reviews sake they don't count). There doesn't seem to be much story backing up this movie too. It's mostly balderdash to keep us busy till the last movie comes out next year. There isn't even a real climax. It builds up near the end and never really explodes the way I thought it would. There was one part where I thought I was watching a Lord Of the Rings deleted scene though, which was kinda funny. I was like "lolwut? Gandolf and Golem?"
Conclusion: Well, it's not really worth a theater watch imo. I was surprised on how much it sold out on midnight release. I say, if you read the book, then well you don't even HAVE to watch or care about it. But for the rest of us STILL following the series I would recommend buying the book and reading it or wait for it to come out on DVD/Blu-Ray/whatever.
Wow, now that I think about everything, there isn't really much to say about this new movie. All of the Harry Potter movies are pretty much very similar and the only difference being a new storyline and better visuals. I guess for this review I will take a look at the some of the tidbits of the movie.
First: Not as advertised
Well, the trailer for the movie made it seem hella hardcore in a sense that magicians are finally going to reveal them selves in the real world and cause some super havoc. It is also said something like that "They will cross their worlds...into ours" even though this is true, there really wasn't much to it. What they showed in the trailer the only part that shows them crossing their world into ours. I was expecting way more than a (!spoiler alert! oh wait, if you seen the trailer you I wouldn't be spoiling anything) bridge being twisted. It made it look like the evil wizards were taking humans as hostages, but that is already in their world when that happens. Yeah, this was a pretty big letdown, well then again if you read the book you probably would of already known that. Strike one for not having read the book and expecting more!
Secondly: Same same same. How about everyone else? Ohhhh shiney
I find it interesting that the movie is 2 and a half hours long and for the most part you will be seeing only Harry Potter and Dumbledore. It felt like they had some of the other characters pop up at random moments (seconds at a time) just so they can say they were there. A lot of scenes really do look like they could have came from past movies. Well the visuals are pretty beefed up this time around. They all look wonderful and pretty cool (Ino vague but heck). To go into more detail, it's mostly the cloud/smoke effects that really stood out. The locations are very believable and indeed very colorful. It feels so alive and real. I wouldn't mind actually visiting the set just to check out some of the buildings and such.
Thirdly: Wait that's it?
This is one of those "if you didn't read the book then too bad" moments. Since I am one (and there are many) of the people who have not read the book, I thought there was going to be an extra hour of footage before they decided to call it quits and show the credits. It seriously left me dumbfounded and left me feeling scammed. Heck Voldemort the series' main antagonist didn't even show up (well in flashbacks but for reviews sake they don't count). There doesn't seem to be much story backing up this movie too. It's mostly balderdash to keep us busy till the last movie comes out next year. There isn't even a real climax. It builds up near the end and never really explodes the way I thought it would. There was one part where I thought I was watching a Lord Of the Rings deleted scene though, which was kinda funny. I was like "lolwut? Gandolf and Golem?"
Conclusion: Well, it's not really worth a theater watch imo. I was surprised on how much it sold out on midnight release. I say, if you read the book, then well you don't even HAVE to watch or care about it. But for the rest of us STILL following the series I would recommend buying the book and reading it or wait for it to come out on DVD/Blu-Ray/whatever.
Monday, July 27, 2009
July 27 Iglesia Ni Cristo Anniversary day +GEMNET too!
Today was a very very long day. Well let's begin shall we?
First things first! I woke up at 8:10AM today and ate some breakfast. Tocino and eggs were on the menu today. I ate some and then took a shower. After taking said shower I got ready and went with my dad and Von's dad to Bank of Hawaii to deposit the offering from the thanksgiving WARship service. All I can say about the total amount is that it's alot! Like crazy a lot! Anyways I don't think I can say how much it is so let's move on. It took like twenty minutes for the tellers to do their job lol! By this time it is 9:20AM! O_O! I'm late!
Luckily we left the bank on time and I only got to work 2 minutes late (9:32am). I then said hello to fellow co-workers Toshi and AG. Pretty cool people, then I got the things I needed for work (clip board, cell phone, bus schedule, and my schedule). I then relaxed for a few minutes and by 9:40am I went out to see if AG was ready to go to GPO. He said we were too early so he decided to drop a spell. He talked about how his family got to the USA and etc. We left at about 9:48AM and headed to GPO. On the ride he talked to me about how a lot of Filipinos travel abroad to get jobs (which I guess is true).
We parted ways then I got ready to do my job. At GPO the first thing I do is go to Burger King to get some "free" water. When I asked for it they ran out of water so I headed to Taco Bell for some water. Little to my knowledge it costs fricken .15$ to get a small water! CRAZY! Oh well, at least it came with free refills and lots of ice. I then went to my area (outside coldstone near that pillar) and set up camp (so to speak).
The whole first half of the day was practically normal. It went by without incident or anything special. Later at about 11ish I got a refill on water. Then I went back to camp. Joe then decided to drop a spell himself. Joe is a very interesting person. He came from Hawaii because of his wife. Very interesting case which I cannot explain for the sake of his wife's family, but I can tell you irl maybe. But yeah, he's been on Guam and likes it. Fills me up on the downlow of what's goin on in Hawaii. Lots have change since I was last there according to him. Anyways, today he stayed for a good bit like from 1-3. Then from like 4:30-6PM.
Today some of the special parts I can point out that stuck out was first, this Japanese model in a fricken bikini was there doing a photoshoot! It was very awesome to watch heheheheheha! Another interesting part of the day was when this one Japanese tourist who I have met twice before today on different days, gave me two pieces of hard candy! That was very cool of her! It seriously made my day extremely better! Another part that wasn't as interesting was when one of the drivers (Art) borrowed $2 from me for coffee or something.
I was supposed to end work at 5:30, but, my reliever (person who takes over) decides to come at 6PM. Lame! I was cool with it since I wanted extra hours anyways. I took one of the buses back to base (office of fukuda). By the time I went back home, I fixed my hymns and went on my way to go to church! Because today was the church's 95th anniversary!
We left our house in a whirlwind! We got there on time and still had a parking space near the front of the church. Today, I forgot my undershirt and wondered if anyone could see under my toga (which would be embarrassing/funny). Today Adam, Matt, and Paul came!!! Yeah!!!! It was awesome! Right after the sermon I found them and they got they're food and we chilled at our car! We caught up on old times and made jokes! At first it was only Adam and Paul but latter Matt showed up to join the SUPER PARTY! LOL! It was cool, they seemed to like the performances! When it was time for the choir members to sing their song, they seemed to like it too! LOL! It was cool! After the performance I got my food (there wasn't much ;__;) and ate When all of the performances and eating finished. Then GEM-NET stuff began!
Today's GEM-NET was the funnest we had ever since Chuuuuuck was here!!! LOL! We got to do an interview with Adam, Matt, and Paul (all in reverse order of interview)!!! It was super cool! It was also cool later cause when we interviewed brother Bill Matt did camera man and Paul got to do audio OP! LOL! It was awesome! At first it was annoying when we started since there was a lot of people going in and out of the room! It was hard to keep it quiet, however, we got the interviews down and made it super effective! I actually want to see the finished product already lol! But yeah, it was super entertaining! Anyways after the shoot which took an hour or two, we all chillaxed outside for a few more hours.
It was very awesome. Matt, Paul, and Adam made some of the funniest jokes I have heard in the longest time! Really cool night tonight! Can't wait for the next Gem-net thing and GEM too!!!
First things first! I woke up at 8:10AM today and ate some breakfast. Tocino and eggs were on the menu today. I ate some and then took a shower. After taking said shower I got ready and went with my dad and Von's dad to Bank of Hawaii to deposit the offering from the thanksgiving WARship service. All I can say about the total amount is that it's alot! Like crazy a lot! Anyways I don't think I can say how much it is so let's move on. It took like twenty minutes for the tellers to do their job lol! By this time it is 9:20AM! O_O! I'm late!
Luckily we left the bank on time and I only got to work 2 minutes late (9:32am). I then said hello to fellow co-workers Toshi and AG. Pretty cool people, then I got the things I needed for work (clip board, cell phone, bus schedule, and my schedule). I then relaxed for a few minutes and by 9:40am I went out to see if AG was ready to go to GPO. He said we were too early so he decided to drop a spell. He talked about how his family got to the USA and etc. We left at about 9:48AM and headed to GPO. On the ride he talked to me about how a lot of Filipinos travel abroad to get jobs (which I guess is true).
We parted ways then I got ready to do my job. At GPO the first thing I do is go to Burger King to get some "free" water. When I asked for it they ran out of water so I headed to Taco Bell for some water. Little to my knowledge it costs fricken .15$ to get a small water! CRAZY! Oh well, at least it came with free refills and lots of ice. I then went to my area (outside coldstone near that pillar) and set up camp (so to speak).
The whole first half of the day was practically normal. It went by without incident or anything special. Later at about 11ish I got a refill on water. Then I went back to camp. Joe then decided to drop a spell himself. Joe is a very interesting person. He came from Hawaii because of his wife. Very interesting case which I cannot explain for the sake of his wife's family, but I can tell you irl maybe. But yeah, he's been on Guam and likes it. Fills me up on the downlow of what's goin on in Hawaii. Lots have change since I was last there according to him. Anyways, today he stayed for a good bit like from 1-3. Then from like 4:30-6PM.
Today some of the special parts I can point out that stuck out was first, this Japanese model in a fricken bikini was there doing a photoshoot! It was very awesome to watch heheheheheha! Another interesting part of the day was when this one Japanese tourist who I have met twice before today on different days, gave me two pieces of hard candy! That was very cool of her! It seriously made my day extremely better! Another part that wasn't as interesting was when one of the drivers (Art) borrowed $2 from me for coffee or something.
I was supposed to end work at 5:30, but, my reliever (person who takes over) decides to come at 6PM. Lame! I was cool with it since I wanted extra hours anyways. I took one of the buses back to base (office of fukuda). By the time I went back home, I fixed my hymns and went on my way to go to church! Because today was the church's 95th anniversary!
We left our house in a whirlwind! We got there on time and still had a parking space near the front of the church. Today, I forgot my undershirt and wondered if anyone could see under my toga (which would be embarrassing/funny). Today Adam, Matt, and Paul came!!! Yeah!!!! It was awesome! Right after the sermon I found them and they got they're food and we chilled at our car! We caught up on old times and made jokes! At first it was only Adam and Paul but latter Matt showed up to join the SUPER PARTY! LOL! It was cool, they seemed to like the performances! When it was time for the choir members to sing their song, they seemed to like it too! LOL! It was cool! After the performance I got my food (there wasn't much ;__;) and ate When all of the performances and eating finished. Then GEM-NET stuff began!
Today's GEM-NET was the funnest we had ever since Chuuuuuck was here!!! LOL! We got to do an interview with Adam, Matt, and Paul (all in reverse order of interview)!!! It was super cool! It was also cool later cause when we interviewed brother Bill Matt did camera man and Paul got to do audio OP! LOL! It was awesome! At first it was annoying when we started since there was a lot of people going in and out of the room! It was hard to keep it quiet, however, we got the interviews down and made it super effective! I actually want to see the finished product already lol! But yeah, it was super entertaining! Anyways after the shoot which took an hour or two, we all chillaxed outside for a few more hours.
It was very awesome. Matt, Paul, and Adam made some of the funniest jokes I have heard in the longest time! Really cool night tonight! Can't wait for the next Gem-net thing and GEM too!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Review: Transformers Revenge of the Fallen

Double the Transformers double the fun?
The basic storyline for the new movie is basically, two years after the events in the first movie, the main character (let's call him Joe) basically finds a piece of the Allspark stuck in his sweater in all of the sudden it sends all of it's information into Joe's brain and then Joe get's all these crazy visions. Joe then goes off to college and then things get crazy and now he's back working together with the Transformers to find a thing called a Matrix that is basically a key to this doomsday machine thing.
Let's start from the beginning of the movie. They started off on the right track with double the explosions and double the action, the problem however, is that there are so many new transformers that we don't know who's who or who's good or who's evil. In the first transformers movie they gave a formal introduction on who all the Transformers are, in this movie they kinda just assume you know who is who or what is what. There being more transformers and all is cool, but it's not cool when you don't know who they are, there's like no connection between us the audience and to the nameless transformers.
After the decent beginning, then the massacre begins. The next 30 minutes or so is pretty boring/stupid. It's pretty much they're excuse to make a watered down College Party movies that didn't really seem to fit, yeah I know he's going to college, but they didn't really have to put in all the sexual tension of ya know what I mean.
After that massacre ends and the explosions start happening then things get interesting. However, from that point on the storyline falls apart. The director tries to blind you with a gratuitous amount of CG and special effects that it's not even funny. It's cool and all but I rather have a good mixture of awesome and story.
There were some parts that made you wonder what just happened and ponder if it was necessary and what not. An example of this is the part where these enemy transformers came in to steal a part of the allspark in the military base and fail to do it. All they do is go in there, attempt to steal it, and right when it was about to get it, it just leaves. They never again try to steal it or reference this part.
The character balancing was kinda odd, as some of the major characters of the last movie where given minor parts (Military guys) and would be minor characters of this movie were given bigger parts (college friend guy, and ex-sector 7 guy). Some of the enemy transformers from the old movie showed up only to be destroyed within seconds in this movie (Scorpian transformer thing).
I kinda felt bad for the transformers since there were soo much of them this time, that a lot of them got destroyed and we as an audience didn't care if they were either good or bad.
With those being said, I still thought the action was pretty cool but the CG effects are not believable. You can tell the CG people got lazy since sometimes it would pan off the transformers when they transform. Yeah I get that it's really hard to make that stuff, but they might as well go the extra distance since they already invested so much in it.
The ending was pretty abrupt if you asked me. There was not much closure but eh, I guess there was nothing else to say or to look forward to but an obvious sequel on it's way.
As for the soundtrack, I thought it was pretty adequate I guess. Overall, Transformers is basically the old transformers movie but with double the transformers and action, however, it has a weaker storyline from the first.
Soundoff: The Proposal

I've seen my fair share of drama animes to know what a good drama should have. "The Proposal" being a drama/comedy is pretty good imo.
The story of this movie is about this book editor (Let's call her Jane) who is getting deported back to her home country "Canada" and she does not want to. So to keep herself from getting deported she asks her assistant (Let's call him John) to marry her. Then the most of the movie is them going to the John's family reunion in Alaska.
The movie is basically supposed to be a drama/comedy, however, although there is some drama, it is mostly comedy throughout the movie. The acting was pretty convincing although I don't think the characters acted naturally if that made any sense. I meant that it felt as if there were a lot of forced lines and didn't feel like what the character would have really said/done.
The funny parts were well, okay. There is this re-occurring character this is used for comedic relief, I was okay with this character. The other funny parts would be things that are really out of the ordinary.
As for the sad parts, they are pretty predictable and not really all that sad. Well then again, a drama, wouldn't be a drama if there wasn't any drama.
Overall the story is pretty solid, got some good scenery shots of Alaska and New York so that was pretty cool. As for the musical score, it was pretty average, it was pretty natural for most of the movie.
The ending pretty much ended on a high note but I still wished they added like maybe 30 more minutes just so we have more of a closure. The credit extra footage was pretty entertaining, but it still was not enough closure.
The Proposal is a pretty solid movie, I think anyone can easily get into it, maybe not kids but it's short length probably wouldn't bore them.
Monday, May 25, 2009
05/25/09 Binhi/Kadiwa Night! Gemnet extravaganza!
Today was a VERY long and VERY satisfying day for me. To sum it up, it started with WIN and ended in WIN!
For starters, I woke up today at 10AM because I went to sleep at like 1 or 2AM last night. When I woke up I right away started on the BBQ we would eat for lunch! There was ribs, short ribs, fish, and STEAK! LOL! It was fun doing that, however, the blazing sun was unforgiving today. It was hot! I did it in the shade but it was still hot. I'm actually getting pretty pro at doing the bbq, before I would have trouble but not anymore. I started on the ribs/short ribs and fish. Later on I did the Steaks one by one. That was the fun part, doing the steaks. I got to figure out how to do medium and medium well, no well done today please! I then moved on to do the vegetables like mushrooms and asparagus. When I finished the steak I let my mom do some bbqing so I could eat my steak and some bbq too, I then took over when I finished and finished doing the rest of the bbq! It was quite enjoyable! I then went on to take a shower.
After I was done taking a shower, I then played some MGS4 for a while, man MGS4 is so fricken addicting! Anyways, I played for a while then went on facebook to finalize some things with Chuck. Like the script and stuff like that. I then went on myspace to look around then took a nap! When I woke up I got ready for the binhi kadiwa night! While I was waiting for Arvin to pick me and my sister up, I practiced the guitar I borrowed from Jerome, I got some what better in that short time. The time now was 7:50PMish. He then came and we went off to Westin hotel for the Binhi/Kadiwa night!
On our way there, nothing particularly happened, when we got there , however, the story is a little different. At the door we met up with Anne, that one girl, and Hector! It was pretty cool, we talked and a while later Von came through the door and we talked for a little bit and that was cool. When everyone (Chuck, Almie, Eron?, Jerome, Mark, and Gary) came in then the action kicked up a notch. We headed downstairs to the place where the bin/kad night was held.
I want to quickly point out the architecture of the building. It was as if they designed it on the sole purpose to make you dizzy. I mean it, it was built pretty vertically, if you were in the lobby and looked up, it looks as if it would stretch upwards forever. It was pretty cool actually but kinda creepy at the same time. Another weird feature of the building was that the lobby was actually the 4th or was it 6th floor?! If you were to go to the 3rd floor it would actually go downwards. Interesting!
When we got to the place at the 3rd floor, we scouted it out a little and talked to the kids at the Apra Heights table. It was pretty cool seeing everyone again. It was weird cause they keep getting taller every time! After a little bit, Chuck gathered everyone together and we prayed for our GEMNET activity. Today I was given photographer duty! It was really really REALLY fun! I want that duty at every formal gathering thingy! It was quite cool! Anyways after our prayer, we went off to do our stuff. I teamed up with Arvin so that we can take pictures of everyone's table. I let Arvin do the talking while I got the pictures down! At first the 2nd picture we took didn't show up cause I realized that I was not pressing the button down hard enough. But I'm glad I caught that mistake early!
With the amature mistakes behind, and all the table pictures taken care of. The freedom to take pictures of everything was amazing! IDK, something about photography was cool! IDK, it was very neat. I took a good a mount of pictures of the room as a whole so that was neat and of the outside too! We were then actually invited by a brother to actually eat! We were planning on not eating and going somewhere after but OK! That was a very cool thing of the brother to do. When I got my foodz, I heard of a game that was going on where anyone could join. So I got some friends (Geonard, Carlo, Denzel, and DJ) and we went on. It was like a question and answer game. Wait, I just realized it was from that one filipino game show where people would line up at one of the multiple choice answers. It was pretty interesting, I wasn't too serious but for some reason I got like to the final round too. LOL! Anyways, after that I got pretty tense for some reason. I then ate my foodz with Arvin and Anne Marie at the outside place since we couldn't get inside. After that I then checked out the next activity which was this dating game thing. It was pretty awkward, but it was interesting to see Arjay's replies! Anyways, after that we then set up for the first interview.
We packed up the cams and stuff and moved to the far side of the room to take the interviews near some portraits, I helped set up a little then went out to check up on things. I bumped into Resley and this one girl. I was actually talking to Resley and got introduced to Zhalen. She was pretty cool. We conversed for a while and I got to introduce some people to her and such. I let Hannah man the camera for a little while then when Zhalen, Reslyn, and Resty went on their way I manned it again for the rest of the time.
I then went inside to check out what's going down and saw they were up to a new game. I took some pics of that and then brother Joe did the closing remarks! We then did some of the coverage of the prayer so that was neat! When everyone was leaving we took some shots of that so that was pretty cool! We then helped get the camera unsetupped and stuff. We took a couple group pictures for remembrance so that was cool! We then went on our seperate ways.
We actually stopped by Outrigger cause we were supposed to meet there but everyone had to bail today. After that though we went on our way home. Nothing in particularly interesting happened on the way home. When I got home I put the garbage out side and now I am going to get ready to sleep. LOL!
Sorry if this wasn't that detailed. I'm tired from too much win! And have more things to do tomorrow! Hopefully I can come back and retouch this with more detail later.
For starters, I woke up today at 10AM because I went to sleep at like 1 or 2AM last night. When I woke up I right away started on the BBQ we would eat for lunch! There was ribs, short ribs, fish, and STEAK! LOL! It was fun doing that, however, the blazing sun was unforgiving today. It was hot! I did it in the shade but it was still hot. I'm actually getting pretty pro at doing the bbq, before I would have trouble but not anymore. I started on the ribs/short ribs and fish. Later on I did the Steaks one by one. That was the fun part, doing the steaks. I got to figure out how to do medium and medium well, no well done today please! I then moved on to do the vegetables like mushrooms and asparagus. When I finished the steak I let my mom do some bbqing so I could eat my steak and some bbq too, I then took over when I finished and finished doing the rest of the bbq! It was quite enjoyable! I then went on to take a shower.
After I was done taking a shower, I then played some MGS4 for a while, man MGS4 is so fricken addicting! Anyways, I played for a while then went on facebook to finalize some things with Chuck. Like the script and stuff like that. I then went on myspace to look around then took a nap! When I woke up I got ready for the binhi kadiwa night! While I was waiting for Arvin to pick me and my sister up, I practiced the guitar I borrowed from Jerome, I got some what better in that short time. The time now was 7:50PMish. He then came and we went off to Westin hotel for the Binhi/Kadiwa night!
On our way there, nothing particularly happened, when we got there , however, the story is a little different. At the door we met up with Anne, that one girl, and Hector! It was pretty cool, we talked and a while later Von came through the door and we talked for a little bit and that was cool. When everyone (Chuck, Almie, Eron?, Jerome, Mark, and Gary) came in then the action kicked up a notch. We headed downstairs to the place where the bin/kad night was held.
I want to quickly point out the architecture of the building. It was as if they designed it on the sole purpose to make you dizzy. I mean it, it was built pretty vertically, if you were in the lobby and looked up, it looks as if it would stretch upwards forever. It was pretty cool actually but kinda creepy at the same time. Another weird feature of the building was that the lobby was actually the 4th or was it 6th floor?! If you were to go to the 3rd floor it would actually go downwards. Interesting!
When we got to the place at the 3rd floor, we scouted it out a little and talked to the kids at the Apra Heights table. It was pretty cool seeing everyone again. It was weird cause they keep getting taller every time! After a little bit, Chuck gathered everyone together and we prayed for our GEMNET activity. Today I was given photographer duty! It was really really REALLY fun! I want that duty at every formal gathering thingy! It was quite cool! Anyways after our prayer, we went off to do our stuff. I teamed up with Arvin so that we can take pictures of everyone's table. I let Arvin do the talking while I got the pictures down! At first the 2nd picture we took didn't show up cause I realized that I was not pressing the button down hard enough. But I'm glad I caught that mistake early!
With the amature mistakes behind, and all the table pictures taken care of. The freedom to take pictures of everything was amazing! IDK, something about photography was cool! IDK, it was very neat. I took a good a mount of pictures of the room as a whole so that was neat and of the outside too! We were then actually invited by a brother to actually eat! We were planning on not eating and going somewhere after but OK! That was a very cool thing of the brother to do. When I got my foodz, I heard of a game that was going on where anyone could join. So I got some friends (Geonard, Carlo, Denzel, and DJ) and we went on. It was like a question and answer game. Wait, I just realized it was from that one filipino game show where people would line up at one of the multiple choice answers. It was pretty interesting, I wasn't too serious but for some reason I got like to the final round too. LOL! Anyways, after that I got pretty tense for some reason. I then ate my foodz with Arvin and Anne Marie at the outside place since we couldn't get inside. After that I then checked out the next activity which was this dating game thing. It was pretty awkward, but it was interesting to see Arjay's replies! Anyways, after that we then set up for the first interview.
We packed up the cams and stuff and moved to the far side of the room to take the interviews near some portraits, I helped set up a little then went out to check up on things. I bumped into Resley and this one girl. I was actually talking to Resley and got introduced to Zhalen. She was pretty cool. We conversed for a while and I got to introduce some people to her and such. I let Hannah man the camera for a little while then when Zhalen, Reslyn, and Resty went on their way I manned it again for the rest of the time.
I then went inside to check out what's going down and saw they were up to a new game. I took some pics of that and then brother Joe did the closing remarks! We then did some of the coverage of the prayer so that was neat! When everyone was leaving we took some shots of that so that was pretty cool! We then helped get the camera unsetupped and stuff. We took a couple group pictures for remembrance so that was cool! We then went on our seperate ways.
We actually stopped by Outrigger cause we were supposed to meet there but everyone had to bail today. After that though we went on our way home. Nothing in particularly interesting happened on the way home. When I got home I put the garbage out side and now I am going to get ready to sleep. LOL!
Sorry if this wasn't that detailed. I'm tired from too much win! And have more things to do tomorrow! Hopefully I can come back and retouch this with more detail later.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
05/17/09! Gem Net day.
Words could hardly describe this day, but I'll try my best.
Today started out just like any other sunday for me. Take a bath then eat breakfast then go to church. There was some differences, however, for breakfast I ate poptarts and today we took the Carolla to church instead of the Sentra since the Sentra was not working. At church it was practically the same. First warm up then worship service then CWS then home. Today on the way home we got some KFC so that was good. It was a 10 or so piece crunchy chicken meal with thr33 sides (Mac,cole, and mash). When we got home then I believe I took a nap. I woke up at about 2PMish then ate the chicken and played a little bit of MGS4 on hard which was the shiz. Afterwards, I like waited for any news about the things we were supposed to do for GEM from anyone. I went on myspace and found Jerome online and asked him about the stuff happening, I later recieved a call from Arvin updating me on stuff and so I got ready to go. When Arvin got to my house we then went off to Tokyo Mart near GPO, for, I heard legendary stories about Gatsby Hairwax being there from Jerome and Von. When we got to said store, me and Arvin looked around for some of the good stuff. When we finally found said good stuff it was only one color ;__; I wanted the red one. But I will settle for the white since it seemed to have worked as good anyways. So anyways, we got some cheap $2 bentos and Arizona tea. Arvin ate his, me on the other hand, did not. It was a good thing I didn't too and I'll tell you in a minute. Afterwards, we headed back to Yigo church to see what everyone is up to for the GEM net thing. When we got there no one was there besides a few people who owned other parts of the building. Interesting, we then called Jerome to check what's up and he said that they were at Mark's house wrapping up the interview. We then asked for directions to Mark's house and when we got there it was finished and we all headed back to the church. When we got back we all then got carpools to sister Claudia's house (Inarajan). It was quite the carpool ride LOL! We rode with brother Gary and saw some pretty interesting sights on the way thur. There was a mega fiesta down at Merizo! It looked hecka cool and reminded me of when we lived in Apra Heights, the whole atmosphere down there was different from the north side of Guam, you can only tell the difference when you are gone from the South for quite some time. Anyways, it took us a while to actually reach sister Claudia's house. When we got there we ate some Fiesta (Fee!-Aye!-Sta!) food and got ready to do sister Claudia and her brother's interview. It was quite the experience to me and everyone else there. Getting to man the audio system was quite a challenge actually,I would go even as far to say that it is intense doing it. I found it intense because you have to be very picky on the sounds around you like little hums and what not. I'm glad Arvin gave me his responsibility of the audio checking LOL! Anyways, it was something else, like actually being there to see the interview done live in real time. It found it to be a humbling experience which I will remember for a life time! After her brother finished his interview, we took a small little break so we switched around places so we all got a try at something. Sister Claudia's interview was quite something, it made me realized that I should strive harder to actually get some people to join the church. Chuck then got to say some positive stuffs about sister Claudia kinda like proof of how dedicated she is. We then got together to do some feedback time for the GEM-NET people. That part was quite fun too since we all put in our feedback to the whole entire thing like the work shop etc. The most interesting part was that Arvin out of all of us probably said the most intelligent and logical thing LOL! I talked about how writing lines for scripts was hard and how interesting the workshop was. We then took some group pictures and we all took our separate ways that evening. We actually stayed there till like 11PMish! It was crazy! Before we left the place, I realized something. Something I never realized till today. That the stars are almost only visible down south! Up here in the north you almost never see them, I then realized how wonderful stars where. Interestingly enough the ride back to Yigo was quite something too. Anyways, today's Gem Net experience was quite something else! I really do hope that the future of Gem Net on Guam will persistently be a fun experience like it was today. With Chuck leaving at the end of the year, it is very hard to see what really is the future of Guam Gem Net. My predictions are pretty bleak, since I have the faintest clue of who will take charge when Chuck leaves. Hopefully things will be for the better though and that I am wrong.
Today started out just like any other sunday for me. Take a bath then eat breakfast then go to church. There was some differences, however, for breakfast I ate poptarts and today we took the Carolla to church instead of the Sentra since the Sentra was not working. At church it was practically the same. First warm up then worship service then CWS then home. Today on the way home we got some KFC so that was good. It was a 10 or so piece crunchy chicken meal with thr33 sides (Mac,cole, and mash). When we got home then I believe I took a nap. I woke up at about 2PMish then ate the chicken and played a little bit of MGS4 on hard which was the shiz. Afterwards, I like waited for any news about the things we were supposed to do for GEM from anyone. I went on myspace and found Jerome online and asked him about the stuff happening, I later recieved a call from Arvin updating me on stuff and so I got ready to go. When Arvin got to my house we then went off to Tokyo Mart near GPO, for, I heard legendary stories about Gatsby Hairwax being there from Jerome and Von. When we got to said store, me and Arvin looked around for some of the good stuff. When we finally found said good stuff it was only one color ;__; I wanted the red one. But I will settle for the white since it seemed to have worked as good anyways. So anyways, we got some cheap $2 bentos and Arizona tea. Arvin ate his, me on the other hand, did not. It was a good thing I didn't too and I'll tell you in a minute. Afterwards, we headed back to Yigo church to see what everyone is up to for the GEM net thing. When we got there no one was there besides a few people who owned other parts of the building. Interesting, we then called Jerome to check what's up and he said that they were at Mark's house wrapping up the interview. We then asked for directions to Mark's house and when we got there it was finished and we all headed back to the church. When we got back we all then got carpools to sister Claudia's house (Inarajan). It was quite the carpool ride LOL! We rode with brother Gary and saw some pretty interesting sights on the way thur. There was a mega fiesta down at Merizo! It looked hecka cool and reminded me of when we lived in Apra Heights, the whole atmosphere down there was different from the north side of Guam, you can only tell the difference when you are gone from the South for quite some time. Anyways, it took us a while to actually reach sister Claudia's house. When we got there we ate some Fiesta (Fee!-Aye!-Sta!) food and got ready to do sister Claudia and her brother's interview. It was quite the experience to me and everyone else there. Getting to man the audio system was quite a challenge actually,I would go even as far to say that it is intense doing it. I found it intense because you have to be very picky on the sounds around you like little hums and what not. I'm glad Arvin gave me his responsibility of the audio checking LOL! Anyways, it was something else, like actually being there to see the interview done live in real time. It found it to be a humbling experience which I will remember for a life time! After her brother finished his interview, we took a small little break so we switched around places so we all got a try at something. Sister Claudia's interview was quite something, it made me realized that I should strive harder to actually get some people to join the church. Chuck then got to say some positive stuffs about sister Claudia kinda like proof of how dedicated she is. We then got together to do some feedback time for the GEM-NET people. That part was quite fun too since we all put in our feedback to the whole entire thing like the work shop etc. The most interesting part was that Arvin out of all of us probably said the most intelligent and logical thing LOL! I talked about how writing lines for scripts was hard and how interesting the workshop was. We then took some group pictures and we all took our separate ways that evening. We actually stayed there till like 11PMish! It was crazy! Before we left the place, I realized something. Something I never realized till today. That the stars are almost only visible down south! Up here in the north you almost never see them, I then realized how wonderful stars where. Interestingly enough the ride back to Yigo was quite something too. Anyways, today's Gem Net experience was quite something else! I really do hope that the future of Gem Net on Guam will persistently be a fun experience like it was today. With Chuck leaving at the end of the year, it is very hard to see what really is the future of Guam Gem Net. My predictions are pretty bleak, since I have the faintest clue of who will take charge when Chuck leaves. Hopefully things will be for the better though and that I am wrong.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Star Trek The Movie Review! 05/09/09

Anyways before I begin I want to make it clear that I have not watched the original series but fear not for I has watched some of The Next Generation series. Before I watched it I was wondering if I was going to be confused at any moment since I didn't get to watch the original series. I was lucky to be relieved that it actually didn't matter since the movie itself was in canon to the original series. Anyways heres the main storyline which I had no idea of before I watched.
Set in an alternate universe, a Romulan space ship travels back in time, not on purpose, but in accident. When they did, they basically attacked a federation ship with Kirk and his family in it. This is where things go in canon since Kirk's father dies when he was born and events turn out quite differently. Anyways the story is then of Kirk going to join the space fleet and of Spock also joining the fleet. They then have to work together to defeat the Romulan threat. But they have a hard time working together while they are at it. Oh and the guy from Shaun of the Dead was there.
The sweet thing about this movie was the special effects, it was gorgeously done and pretty much features the best effects ever! period! Unlike Star Wars where technology seems to advance with every movie even if it was a prequel, in Star Trek the technology was more to their standards in their time and not better than what the latest star trek series would be, so the tech level was logical. To be honest, I am not too sure if the actors portrayed the original characters correctly. But one things for sure, the characters are fricken colorful and unique. You have the Russian guy with the hilariously deep accent. The asian guy and even the guy from Shaun of the Dead. The guy from Shaun of the Dead did a fricken awesome job, a funny one too.
The storyline as a whole was not complicated and easily accessible for anyone in the family to fully enjoy. Not really a deep meaning, it won't answer your question for the search of identity or the meaning of life. The only thing I noticed in the film was the pretty sophisticated vocabulary of the Vulcan race. I was also questioning myself "Why do the Vulcans and Romulans speak english? And even better than the humans?" Well that didn't matter, it was better than reading really big words in subtitle. I did find the storyline to be as compelling as it was awesome, so that really did make up for the no deep meaning part. It had equal parts sad as it does funny. Dang Simon Pegg was a good choice for his role! The tear jerkin parts were pretty cool and the funny parts were stupidly (good) funny!
One small complaint that can be made is that it didn't show much different species. It would have been cool to see a Klingon. The enemy choice was good. I'm actually glad they used Romulans since Borgs would have been too obvious. Well Borgs are still cool and scary and stuff but the Romulan spacecraft was way awesome and beats a cube anyday LOL! Oh yeah, the bad guy was pretty cool, he did his part as good as he had to with emphasis on awesome!!!
This has definitely got to be the best Star Trek movie created ever! Heck it even beats the Star Wars movies! Eat that Star Wars geeks. Anyways, yeah, I did watch Nemesis before, it was pretty cool but still felt kinda low budget. Star Trek, however, went all out. Man I can't explain how awesome the effects like the super novas and creation of black holes and stuff like that looked! It's crazy. The CGs for the animals on that ice world were hella wonderfully done and looked way too real. They were designed very well, they were fierce and creepy looking. They are possibly the most realistic creatures I have ever scene in a movie. The Transformers 2 trailer was actually shown and the CGs for those creatures made the transformers look hecka fake and noticeably computer generated.
As far as the actual sound went, It was orchestrated very well and did it's part. The ending was rad, it had the famous monologue and ended with the famous Star Trek theme redone! Sweet! I'm pretty sure there was hecka eye candy for the original Star Trek fans out there since they actually had the original Spock. There was a good amount of reference to the original series so I thought that was pretty neat.
Yup! This movie is pretty much the best of it's genre which is awesome genre. This IS the BEST movie out so far this year, second would be Slumdog Millionaire. Anyways a 4.75/5
Sunday, April 5, 2009
These past few days have been pretty hectic to me, in a very good way though!
Anyways today I woke up at about 11AM to eat some breakfast. I then took a shower and got ready to go to school. I then, ate some ground beef and went to school. Today I went at about 12:15PMish to the fitness room. I started out with the usual running then working out. I worked out super hard today since it will be spring break. I then got ready for my next class. When I got there I was super dehydrated since I didn't bring a water bottle! It was super boring today and as lonely as ever. We had a lecture then did a case study. It was supposed to be done in 4 groups each doing one of the four problems. Hardly anyone went to their groups. We then got over the break homework to do. It was very boring untill I went to Onward Hotel! It was about 5PM right now. When I got there I had to wait a long time till Arvin came to get me to go to swimming! When we all met up there it was Charmaine, Arvin, Jerome, and me! It was pretty rad since we got to do the Manta which was this really tall thing where you use floaters to cross it. After wards we tried the slides and swam a little in the pool. We then unwinded at the hot tub for a bit before we ended at the "Lazy River" which was this slow paced river that went around the water park. We then got changed and went to Burger King and ate at home. We then got ready for the bible studie and binhi/kadiwa meeting. We used Arvin's car since Jerome went home and Arvin was still there! LOL! We got there and went to the bible study! We then went to the binhi/kadiwa meeting right after. The meeting was actually boring today. which sucked. Anyways after we went home to get ready for Arvin's birthday at PIC! We then went to his house so he could get ready too! We then stopped at a store in Yigo to get some Rockstar/Monster/Water/Sodas! Actually it was the other way around but I'm too lazy to correct it. By now it was about 10PM. We then raced off to PIC! I gave Arvin my Hot Cross "Risk Revival" cd since he seems to be enjoying the real screamo deal and cause I'm such a good guy LOL! Then when we got there like practically everyone was there. Some girls, some guy, Arvin's family, my family, Jerome, Mark, PJ, Anne Marie, Chuck, some guy, Mamur, Leslie, Carlo, and Hector of course! After we ate. I got ready like brushed my teeth and changed into shorts. We then went out into the beach and took monloads of pics LOL! We then went back to the room and played some Street Fighter IV, Soul Calibur IV, Sonic, and Armored Core till like 5AM! I was then stumped by Jeromes question of the 97$ pants and went outside to ponder a but. Everyone got some sleep by now. I took about a 15MIN sleep. I then took a shower and got everyone awake for breakfast! It was a little hassle since we had to collect all the cards before we ate! We then went back to the room for more SFIV and then went to the swimming area! It was quite fun! It was practically 11AM right now. We played some racket ball and then we headed back to check out. It was quite the hassle since we were on quite the hurry! Anyways we got all our stuff and went back to the pool to actually swim! At this point it was about 12:45PM and it was a pretty big water place. We first tried this thing where it's basically like log running and I kept on losing to 8 year olds LOL! Anyways we then did this thing where you like jump from floater to floater and it's like 15 floats long. It's pretty tough since you need a ridiculous amount of balance. I didn't make it far though. Then we did the kayaking. It was pretty fun since the kayaking place was pretty big! We tried linking all our boats together but it didn't work out correctly. We then did some more stuff and almost everyone left at this point. We checked out the beach and did some para sailing tour thing. It was quite cool since we went out pretty far. We then got back and did that kids place and it was pretty neat. Afterwords we got ready to leave. When we left we ate at Chilly's. It was pretty neat, I wanted Silvia to be our server but it was this other girl. Silvia then came by and became our waitress and it was rad! She got us free tea/chips/and milkshakes! LOL! We had trouble getting her tip since she was soo cool! LOL! But in the end, everything worked out I think. Anyways, we then check out GSGM! I got a white long sleeve shirt! It's pretty rad. We then got home and went to sleep early. The next day at church I was still very tired! After it I got home and slept and got ready for the tournament! I LOL'd we didn't win today but next week for sure we will win! It all went down like an episode of Law and Order. I lost the first match very barely. I first chose Ken and he choose Ken and I won the first match. We then rematched and then he won. Next I chose Akuma. I won the first battle with an ultra combo finish but he ended up winning the match. The next match was in the loser's bracket. I technically won the first match since the guy got DQ'd. No not dairy queen but disqualified! Anyways I then went up against a Ryu player. I lost the first match and then won the second. Then ultimately I lost the third match.
It was fun!!!! I hope more of you guy's join next week!!!! I am now going to get ready to sleep!
Anyways today I woke up at about 11AM to eat some breakfast. I then took a shower and got ready to go to school. I then, ate some ground beef and went to school. Today I went at about 12:15PMish to the fitness room. I started out with the usual running then working out. I worked out super hard today since it will be spring break. I then got ready for my next class. When I got there I was super dehydrated since I didn't bring a water bottle! It was super boring today and as lonely as ever. We had a lecture then did a case study. It was supposed to be done in 4 groups each doing one of the four problems. Hardly anyone went to their groups. We then got over the break homework to do. It was very boring untill I went to Onward Hotel! It was about 5PM right now. When I got there I had to wait a long time till Arvin came to get me to go to swimming! When we all met up there it was Charmaine, Arvin, Jerome, and me! It was pretty rad since we got to do the Manta which was this really tall thing where you use floaters to cross it. After wards we tried the slides and swam a little in the pool. We then unwinded at the hot tub for a bit before we ended at the "Lazy River" which was this slow paced river that went around the water park. We then got changed and went to Burger King and ate at home. We then got ready for the bible studie and binhi/kadiwa meeting. We used Arvin's car since Jerome went home and Arvin was still there! LOL! We got there and went to the bible study! We then went to the binhi/kadiwa meeting right after. The meeting was actually boring today. which sucked. Anyways after we went home to get ready for Arvin's birthday at PIC! We then went to his house so he could get ready too! We then stopped at a store in Yigo to get some Rockstar/Monster/Water/Sodas! Actually it was the other way around but I'm too lazy to correct it. By now it was about 10PM. We then raced off to PIC! I gave Arvin my Hot Cross "Risk Revival" cd since he seems to be enjoying the real screamo deal and cause I'm such a good guy LOL! Then when we got there like practically everyone was there. Some girls, some guy, Arvin's family, my family, Jerome, Mark, PJ, Anne Marie, Chuck, some guy, Mamur, Leslie, Carlo, and Hector of course! After we ate. I got ready like brushed my teeth and changed into shorts. We then went out into the beach and took monloads of pics LOL! We then went back to the room and played some Street Fighter IV, Soul Calibur IV, Sonic, and Armored Core till like 5AM! I was then stumped by Jeromes question of the 97$ pants and went outside to ponder a but. Everyone got some sleep by now. I took about a 15MIN sleep. I then took a shower and got everyone awake for breakfast! It was a little hassle since we had to collect all the cards before we ate! We then went back to the room for more SFIV and then went to the swimming area! It was quite fun! It was practically 11AM right now. We played some racket ball and then we headed back to check out. It was quite the hassle since we were on quite the hurry! Anyways we got all our stuff and went back to the pool to actually swim! At this point it was about 12:45PM and it was a pretty big water place. We first tried this thing where it's basically like log running and I kept on losing to 8 year olds LOL! Anyways we then did this thing where you like jump from floater to floater and it's like 15 floats long. It's pretty tough since you need a ridiculous amount of balance. I didn't make it far though. Then we did the kayaking. It was pretty fun since the kayaking place was pretty big! We tried linking all our boats together but it didn't work out correctly. We then did some more stuff and almost everyone left at this point. We checked out the beach and did some para sailing tour thing. It was quite cool since we went out pretty far. We then got back and did that kids place and it was pretty neat. Afterwords we got ready to leave. When we left we ate at Chilly's. It was pretty neat, I wanted Silvia to be our server but it was this other girl. Silvia then came by and became our waitress and it was rad! She got us free tea/chips/and milkshakes! LOL! We had trouble getting her tip since she was soo cool! LOL! But in the end, everything worked out I think. Anyways, we then check out GSGM! I got a white long sleeve shirt! It's pretty rad. We then got home and went to sleep early. The next day at church I was still very tired! After it I got home and slept and got ready for the tournament! I LOL'd we didn't win today but next week for sure we will win! It all went down like an episode of Law and Order. I lost the first match very barely. I first chose Ken and he choose Ken and I won the first match. We then rematched and then he won. Next I chose Akuma. I won the first battle with an ultra combo finish but he ended up winning the match. The next match was in the loser's bracket. I technically won the first match since the guy got DQ'd. No not dairy queen but disqualified! Anyways I then went up against a Ryu player. I lost the first match and then won the second. Then ultimately I lost the third match.
It was fun!!!! I hope more of you guy's join next week!!!! I am now going to get ready to sleep!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
03/28/09 pretty fun day I guess.
Yeah, it was pretty fun today actually.
I woke up today at about 9:50AM and checked my myspace and stuff. I ate breakfast of Life cereal and took a shower. When I was done I got ready to go to Ashley's bowling thing. I called Arvin to check where he was at and was told that he would pick me up at about 11AM. I then played Street Fighter IV till Arvin came by. I got somewhat better, hopefully good enough for the tournament. Anyways he picked me up and we went on our way to Central lanes. When we got there, Carlo wasn't there nor anyone else LOL! We called Carlo and he said he is on the way and will need about 30 more minutes. We then went to McDonald's for some lunch. I got two McDoubles and sm fries. Arvin got the double filet fish. When we were done we went back to the Bowling alley and tried out that Picture Hunt game but it didn't sense our touches so it made us lose quickly and effectively. Afterwards Carlo was there and so was Argy. We then bought those fundraising tickets for Ashley and started to bowl. I swear we were the only people who supported GW, there was also this local band that played there too. It was pretty funny cause it was called Rock'n Bowl, and there was practically no one there besides us four LOL! Anyways, during our bowling I went to get my pizza and a drink, I saw my Nutrition professor there too which was surprising! LOLOL! Afterwards, I got second place with 93 points but Carlo won with like over 100 points! We played another game but I got hecka low!!!! Anyways it was fun altogether. Afterwards we said our goodbyes and took our separate ways. Next, me and Arvin went to Toys and Joys to look around. I saw this really neat Fate/Stay Night toy and it was $30 but I really wanted it for $20! So he asked around and I got it for $20! Score! It was awesome. Anyways, after we went to my house and played Street Fighter IV for a good while! Arvin himself got better too with my tips and tricks!!! After he left, I updated my PS3 and now I can online battle! Since my internet connection is weak, it was very laggy and hard to fight. I took a nap and then I tried out MGS4 for a while and it was...AWESOME!!! Amazing game as always! Cutscenes are LONG! LOL! My parents then went to Hilton to eat dinner and me and my sister went to the mall to look around!!! We went practically everywhere there LOL! We then went to K-Mart to look around also. Lots of people there today!!! Our parents came later and then we looked around some more. I then went home and then here I am now.
I woke up today at about 9:50AM and checked my myspace and stuff. I ate breakfast of Life cereal and took a shower. When I was done I got ready to go to Ashley's bowling thing. I called Arvin to check where he was at and was told that he would pick me up at about 11AM. I then played Street Fighter IV till Arvin came by. I got somewhat better, hopefully good enough for the tournament. Anyways he picked me up and we went on our way to Central lanes. When we got there, Carlo wasn't there nor anyone else LOL! We called Carlo and he said he is on the way and will need about 30 more minutes. We then went to McDonald's for some lunch. I got two McDoubles and sm fries. Arvin got the double filet fish. When we were done we went back to the Bowling alley and tried out that Picture Hunt game but it didn't sense our touches so it made us lose quickly and effectively. Afterwards Carlo was there and so was Argy. We then bought those fundraising tickets for Ashley and started to bowl. I swear we were the only people who supported GW, there was also this local band that played there too. It was pretty funny cause it was called Rock'n Bowl, and there was practically no one there besides us four LOL! Anyways, during our bowling I went to get my pizza and a drink, I saw my Nutrition professor there too which was surprising! LOLOL! Afterwards, I got second place with 93 points but Carlo won with like over 100 points! We played another game but I got hecka low!!!! Anyways it was fun altogether. Afterwards we said our goodbyes and took our separate ways. Next, me and Arvin went to Toys and Joys to look around. I saw this really neat Fate/Stay Night toy and it was $30 but I really wanted it for $20! So he asked around and I got it for $20! Score! It was awesome. Anyways, after we went to my house and played Street Fighter IV for a good while! Arvin himself got better too with my tips and tricks!!! After he left, I updated my PS3 and now I can online battle! Since my internet connection is weak, it was very laggy and hard to fight. I took a nap and then I tried out MGS4 for a while and it was...AWESOME!!! Amazing game as always! Cutscenes are LONG! LOL! My parents then went to Hilton to eat dinner and me and my sister went to the mall to look around!!! We went practically everywhere there LOL! We then went to K-Mart to look around also. Lots of people there today!!! Our parents came later and then we looked around some more. I then went home and then here I am now.
Monday, March 23, 2009
03/23/09 Such a HAPPY filled day sorta!
Lately has been very interesting, today was no exception. One question I want to ask before I begin is this, do sad times follow happy times? or do happy times follow sad time? It's quite interesting cause I really do believe that something like that exists, well in our universe anyways. So let's begin shall we?
Today I woke up at about 6:55AM and was still tired because I haven't been getting enough sleep lately. When I woke up I took a shower and then got ready for school and ate cereal. When I was done I had to put my PS3 back into my room unless I play it I put it back to the living room. So much hassle now! Especially since I don't have much time to play games nowadays. Anyways, me and my sister headed towards school. Nothing interesting happened on the way untill we got to school. When we got there I headed straight to the library where I took a nap and actually had a dream! It was a wierd dream actually. I was in a pretty massive library in mid-day and there were people there I knew or atleast sorta knew, can't quite remember. I think my sister's friend "Aubrey" was there cause I heard someone in there mention her name. And I think Arvin was too! Weird. Anyways I woke up with my cell vibrating cause my sister wants me to check out the bake sale in the Science building. I took a couple minutes to cope with still being tired before I up and went there. I got there and they had pretty interesting stuff on sale today. There was the usual sandwich and aroz caldo on sale but was something new. I don't know what club it was but they had some Persian food there. I got a hotdog, and this one yellow stuff that I don't quite remember, something like caldo gazar or something like that. It was the most curios thing I have ever eaten in the past 18 years of my life. It tasted very spice filled and my tongue was confused if it was good or bad. It took me a while to actually enjoy it. When I did I really liked it! A couple people passed by like my sister's friend and I think Summer too. Well after a while my sister sent me to do packmule work which I later enjoyed. She sent me to make copies of her experiment in Chemistry. I went to the library to make them copies. When I was done, on the way out I bumped into Cheerful which was awesome. We talked for who knows how long about stuff. We saw Albert and Austin too! It was the most rad way to start my day ever! On my way there a friend from church said that I looked super sleepy which I was at that point. After I returned to give my sister her stuff. This time I actually bought some more stuff at that bake sale, in particularly a Rose water turnover and that yellow gazar stuff and arroz caldo. My friend James was there too! It was pretty awesome with catching up on old times. We talked untill gravity took my arroz caldo from my hands. I felt sort of embarrassed but this girl helped my out by getting some napkins, then I felt obligated to help out too. I was about to run away too! I got some paper towels from the bathroom and she was cool about it and got mad at James for not helping .__. LOL! Anyways yeah, after the clean up I thanked her and we all separated ways. Me and my sister then went to the rotunda I believe to see if Will was there but he wasn't. Me and my sister then headed to the Nursing building since I had to start on my project already about Global Warming. Which I should publish some day. I worked hard on it in the computer lab. I watched a documentary on Global Warming and other videos on both sides of the story. I got about three pages done there. I then realized what time it was cause it was 12:56PM at that point so I ran to the library because my study group with Cheerful and Joe was at 1PM! When I got there it was 1:01PM! I looked around at the conference rooms cause I thought they would have started already. I looked everywhere! LOL I then found Cheerful near the entrance. LOL. We then met up with Joe and went to our conference room. We studied about Psychology and talked about other unrelated subjects. It was pretty cool even if it was just us three. I had to leave at 3PM just because I had to. I said my goodbyes and left. I saw RJ and Arvin on my way out. It was cool LOL! We then went home cause it was Aramaine's birthday today, RAD! When we got home we basically left to Chili's as soon as we arrived. I was so tired and still is. When we got there. Today Silvia was our server! Rad!!! LOL! It was pretty cool to have her as the server since I knew her from highschool! LOL anyways I ordered a bacon burger and it was pretty good since I didn't use ketchup or mustard. I also had this blueberry tea which they had infinite refills of which was awesome! I drank like 4 mugs full of it. Awesome stuff! We also got this appetizer thing which was pretty good. I liked the eggroll the best! They sang Happy Birthday to Aramaine so that was funny and interesting. Afterwards we went home and I played some Resident Evil 5 which was cool! Afterwards I put some finishing touches on my rough draft for EN111 and then here I am now blogging this. And dead tired, I'm pretty sure I skipped out on some other details too. Sorry future self.
Today I woke up at about 6:55AM and was still tired because I haven't been getting enough sleep lately. When I woke up I took a shower and then got ready for school and ate cereal. When I was done I had to put my PS3 back into my room unless I play it I put it back to the living room. So much hassle now! Especially since I don't have much time to play games nowadays. Anyways, me and my sister headed towards school. Nothing interesting happened on the way untill we got to school. When we got there I headed straight to the library where I took a nap and actually had a dream! It was a wierd dream actually. I was in a pretty massive library in mid-day and there were people there I knew or atleast sorta knew, can't quite remember. I think my sister's friend "Aubrey" was there cause I heard someone in there mention her name. And I think Arvin was too! Weird. Anyways I woke up with my cell vibrating cause my sister wants me to check out the bake sale in the Science building. I took a couple minutes to cope with still being tired before I up and went there. I got there and they had pretty interesting stuff on sale today. There was the usual sandwich and aroz caldo on sale but was something new. I don't know what club it was but they had some Persian food there. I got a hotdog, and this one yellow stuff that I don't quite remember, something like caldo gazar or something like that. It was the most curios thing I have ever eaten in the past 18 years of my life. It tasted very spice filled and my tongue was confused if it was good or bad. It took me a while to actually enjoy it. When I did I really liked it! A couple people passed by like my sister's friend and I think Summer too. Well after a while my sister sent me to do packmule work which I later enjoyed. She sent me to make copies of her experiment in Chemistry. I went to the library to make them copies. When I was done, on the way out I bumped into Cheerful which was awesome. We talked for who knows how long about stuff. We saw Albert and Austin too! It was the most rad way to start my day ever! On my way there a friend from church said that I looked super sleepy which I was at that point. After I returned to give my sister her stuff. This time I actually bought some more stuff at that bake sale, in particularly a Rose water turnover and that yellow gazar stuff and arroz caldo. My friend James was there too! It was pretty awesome with catching up on old times. We talked untill gravity took my arroz caldo from my hands. I felt sort of embarrassed but this girl helped my out by getting some napkins, then I felt obligated to help out too. I was about to run away too! I got some paper towels from the bathroom and she was cool about it and got mad at James for not helping .__. LOL! Anyways yeah, after the clean up I thanked her and we all separated ways. Me and my sister then went to the rotunda I believe to see if Will was there but he wasn't. Me and my sister then headed to the Nursing building since I had to start on my project already about Global Warming. Which I should publish some day. I worked hard on it in the computer lab. I watched a documentary on Global Warming and other videos on both sides of the story. I got about three pages done there. I then realized what time it was cause it was 12:56PM at that point so I ran to the library because my study group with Cheerful and Joe was at 1PM! When I got there it was 1:01PM! I looked around at the conference rooms cause I thought they would have started already. I looked everywhere! LOL I then found Cheerful near the entrance. LOL. We then met up with Joe and went to our conference room. We studied about Psychology and talked about other unrelated subjects. It was pretty cool even if it was just us three. I had to leave at 3PM just because I had to. I said my goodbyes and left. I saw RJ and Arvin on my way out. It was cool LOL! We then went home cause it was Aramaine's birthday today, RAD! When we got home we basically left to Chili's as soon as we arrived. I was so tired and still is. When we got there. Today Silvia was our server! Rad!!! LOL! It was pretty cool to have her as the server since I knew her from highschool! LOL anyways I ordered a bacon burger and it was pretty good since I didn't use ketchup or mustard. I also had this blueberry tea which they had infinite refills of which was awesome! I drank like 4 mugs full of it. Awesome stuff! We also got this appetizer thing which was pretty good. I liked the eggroll the best! They sang Happy Birthday to Aramaine so that was funny and interesting. Afterwards we went home and I played some Resident Evil 5 which was cool! Afterwards I put some finishing touches on my rough draft for EN111 and then here I am now blogging this. And dead tired, I'm pretty sure I skipped out on some other details too. Sorry future self.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
"Shinku" Asian Movie Review
This ain't no Street Fighter movie review, rather, a japanese psychological drama. The plot is basically this girl was on a summer school far from her family and one day her family gets killed by a murderer and the plot of the rest of the movie is set 8 years in the future and her interactions with the murderer's daughter. This is a pretty slow paced movie with all the good stuff happening near the end. The story is basically about revenge and stuff like that. Really interesting how things unfold. Some parts will be present day interactions and then it would go to reminiscence in dreams and then it would also recount the murder and the murderer's intention The murder scene itself wasn't too violent, it blanked out the murder of the kids of course, and the whole scene was in black and white. This show kinda pulls off a "School Day" like ending, where it would start out as a semi-normal drama and then it would unfold into the murders and attempted murder. The movie is lengthy! Which is good on my account. They really go into detail when explaining the murderer's intentions and the interaction between the two girls. After seeing the reasons why the murderer killed, you start to wonder if he was sane and if murder was really necessary. A good chunk of the movie is the interactions of the two girls. The girl who got her family murdered knows that it's the murderer's daughter when they talk but not vice versa if you catch my drift. The massacred family girl eventually tempts the murderer's daughter to murder her abusive husband. I won't spoil what happens after, but it's a shocker. The soundtrack involved was very powerful and fitting with each moment. Only j-pop you will find is in the ending credits LOL. I wished their were more character interaction with other people, it felt as if the movie centered around the 3 characters. There were some other character interaction between friends and other people, just to let you know they exist but it wasn't strong enough for you to feel attached to them also, like in some other movies. The storyline as a whole was solid, however, it ended with a asian wtfbbq? type ending, in this case heck, I'll spoil the wtfbbqness, it's a lesbian kiss, I mean on the lips. I was like, lolwut? I kinda had a hint it would happen, but it felt pretty unnecessary, was it supposed to mean something deep? I dunno.
Bottomline: very good story line, very long but kind of slow at some parts. It has a pretty wtfbbq? type ending. This would interest people who are into asian dramas and such. Is it worth the watch? pretty hard to tell, man, I'll leave it up to you. It's a 3.
The #12 Looks Like You "Worse Than Alone" Review!!!
This maybe their best album to date! Heck this is even one of the best albums out so far this year! I don't know how to explain such awesomeness that I am listening to right now! Extremely spastic and the dual vocals are incredibly pummeling. It's easy to notice the jazz influences they have cause of the awesomeness. It's way more mature than their previous effort "Mongrel" by a long shot. Everyone in the band are at the top of their game on this album. Time signature shifts galore! Ranging from extremely spasmodic to spoken words to full on haunting jazz ballads. Definitely The #12's most experimental album also, making this a truly unique album. This is definitely worth the buy! For fans of "Fear Before", "The Fall Of Troy, and "As The Sun Sets". 4.
The One Am Radio "A Name Writ In Water" Review!
I know this album came out quite some time ago, but I just have to name drop this. Anyways this was created by this one Indian lad named Hrishikesh Hirway which I have no idea how to pronounce. Anyways this album is so good that I don't think I have to say anything besides this is a "classic" right here. But for reviews sake I will say something. The soundscapes present in this album is downright jaw dropping, Hirway has single handedly created one of the most "beautiful" sounding records I have ever had the pleasure to listen to. One of the songs is literally made up of lots of wonderful samples and sweet guitaring and a bunch of 'hmmms' and 'ahhhhs', never did I think that hmmms and ahhhs can be so catchy and awesome! As for the actual sound, it's very dense landscapes with delicately played guitar parts and sweet electronic beats that arn't too heavy or poppy or annoying. This is most likely the best album of it's genre actually. The vocals are super sweet also and makes you sleepy in a good way, I really wished I could sing like the guy. It's a very sleepy album, which is good since I like good soft music from time to time. Buy it, download it, borrow it from a friend, you just have to hear this incredibly album.
This may well be an album for our generation! 5/5!
03/21/09 Longest Day
Today is the longest day for a reason. Anyways today I woke up at 5:30AM! Dang I then quickly got ready to run a 5K cause Arvin was already here. When we got there the race had already began for about 5 minutes! I wished we got there on time though! Anyways I started out ahead of Arvin cause I wanted to see what my potential was, it was quite crazy cause I ran passed a bunch of people and each person I passed by running made me feel genuinely good. Not to be self-centered or anything. I ran non stop untill about half way. Our goal on the 5K was to run from Chammorro village to the Governer's office and back. I did my best to run as much as I can. In the end My time was like 32 or so minutes but then again we were 5 minutes late. Afterwards me and Arvin met up again and looked at all the cool goodies. We later bumped into Von and then some other people and the girl that made us all go. Anyways I got more shwag in the form of Arizona Tea and Water. Arvin then dropped me off home. When I got home I took a shower and then ate breakfast! I then practiced the guitar and used the internet untill Arvin came again so we can pick up the "goods". We first tried to look for an ATM machine in particularly a Bank Of Hawaii ATM Machine. We went to Payless and found a pacific express one and kept making the wrong pins and then we called my sister and then found out that there was a Bank of Hawaii ATM in Payless and we were doing it all wrong. I then got the "goods" at a undisclosed location. The "goods" so you won't think it's drugs was a PS3 and MGS4!!! Anyways me and Arvin then went down to the Gate Theater. Heck I'll just post my review of the the whole thing.
"I only watched it cause two of my friends were in it as stand ins. This also gave me reason to watch it and actually give an unbiased review of it. Anyways I never watched the movie to tell you the truth cause I don't like Disney Propaganda so I'm not sure how similar the musical was to the movie. Anyways to start things off, I wasn't bothered that none of the characters looked like how they should but I was bothered by the fact that everything was pre-recorded. It was quite obvious that the songs were pre-recorded and songs were synced. I don't want to rate the performances and the band ensemble together since it would be unfair since the band ensemble were actually... good. Let's look at the negatives first. The basic storyline is very sparse and quickly falls apart after the first 15 minutes of the musical. The plot is basically a 1+1=3 which clearly doesn't add up. I don't know if it's because it's a musical adaptation but the story is this, a group of friends and I mean a quite large and unrealistic group of friends, all get jobs at a Hotel right? Then they play baseball and then have a Talent show in the end. But here's the catch, the main character is caught between two girls, one a mean prepy girl and the other a nicer prepy girl. It's incredibly obvious which the main character chooses. The stand ins actually did a better job than the actors at some points. During the talent show, no one was paying attention to the actors but to the stand ins performing on stage! Which is the only redeeming factor of the play. As for the songs, just super melodic pop sing alongs designed by disney to make you want to spend your money on useless memorabelia. Anyways with that being said, you are wondering what are some of the highlights. The best part was the band ensemble imo, they played very well even though they were a small band. Talented bunch of kids to tell you the truth. The stand ins were cool and one was this awkward white guy that actually kinda looked like how the main character should look like! And the black guy should have played the black guy too! They choose a pretty weak cast with mediocre singers who know show boat techniques. Anyways another problem with it is that the theater smelled like pee. They should have done it at the UOG theater. Should you watch it? ummm It was $10 which in my language is pretty expensive to see a public colaboration on a shody adaptation of a film, maybe if it was $5 I would might encourage fans of the movie to watch it but at $10 no thx. You have to be a die-hard fan to enjoy it, the cheesy acting just made it unbearable to watch at points. a 2.
4/5 just cause I'm a nice guy"
After that I got to say yo to CJ and George! It was quite cool actually. I went up on stage and stuff!!!!! Oh yeah Carlo was there too and my sister also! Afterwards we went our separate ways but then got Wendy's LOL! We got home and played some Street Fighter IV and Killzone 2! Quite interesting actually. We then got ready for devotional prayer and went! We got there and put our togas and shoes away also. After that we talked to some brethren and we all went our separate ways. Me and my sister went to Payless however, to get Aramaine's birthday candle and some plates. When we got home I ate dinner and played some RE5 and here I am now. Time to get ready for a pretty hectic day tommorow.
"I only watched it cause two of my friends were in it as stand ins. This also gave me reason to watch it and actually give an unbiased review of it. Anyways I never watched the movie to tell you the truth cause I don't like Disney Propaganda so I'm not sure how similar the musical was to the movie. Anyways to start things off, I wasn't bothered that none of the characters looked like how they should but I was bothered by the fact that everything was pre-recorded. It was quite obvious that the songs were pre-recorded and songs were synced. I don't want to rate the performances and the band ensemble together since it would be unfair since the band ensemble were actually... good. Let's look at the negatives first. The basic storyline is very sparse and quickly falls apart after the first 15 minutes of the musical. The plot is basically a 1+1=3 which clearly doesn't add up. I don't know if it's because it's a musical adaptation but the story is this, a group of friends and I mean a quite large and unrealistic group of friends, all get jobs at a Hotel right? Then they play baseball and then have a Talent show in the end. But here's the catch, the main character is caught between two girls, one a mean prepy girl and the other a nicer prepy girl. It's incredibly obvious which the main character chooses. The stand ins actually did a better job than the actors at some points. During the talent show, no one was paying attention to the actors but to the stand ins performing on stage! Which is the only redeeming factor of the play. As for the songs, just super melodic pop sing alongs designed by disney to make you want to spend your money on useless memorabelia. Anyways with that being said, you are wondering what are some of the highlights. The best part was the band ensemble imo, they played very well even though they were a small band. Talented bunch of kids to tell you the truth. The stand ins were cool and one was this awkward white guy that actually kinda looked like how the main character should look like! And the black guy should have played the black guy too! They choose a pretty weak cast with mediocre singers who know show boat techniques. Anyways another problem with it is that the theater smelled like pee. They should have done it at the UOG theater. Should you watch it? ummm It was $10 which in my language is pretty expensive to see a public colaboration on a shody adaptation of a film, maybe if it was $5 I would might encourage fans of the movie to watch it but at $10 no thx. You have to be a die-hard fan to enjoy it, the cheesy acting just made it unbearable to watch at points. a 2.
4/5 just cause I'm a nice guy"
After that I got to say yo to CJ and George! It was quite cool actually. I went up on stage and stuff!!!!! Oh yeah Carlo was there too and my sister also! Afterwards we went our separate ways but then got Wendy's LOL! We got home and played some Street Fighter IV and Killzone 2! Quite interesting actually. We then got ready for devotional prayer and went! We got there and put our togas and shoes away also. After that we talked to some brethren and we all went our separate ways. Me and my sister went to Payless however, to get Aramaine's birthday candle and some plates. When we got home I ate dinner and played some RE5 and here I am now. Time to get ready for a pretty hectic day tommorow.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
03/10/09 CHARTER DAY!!!!
It was a really memorable day today. It was really fun but I knew it could of been a little more better!!!
Okay today I woke up at 9:50AM to get ready to go to the Charter Day thing at UOG. LOL! Arvin came inside and we played some Guitar Hero for a little bit. We then left the house by around 10:30AM. We then went to stop by at A&A pawnshop which was Arvin's one to check out their wares LOL! Amazing stuff they got there! An 80 gig PS3 and an Fender Too!!!! Anyways, Arvin scored us a free pink DS!!! Rad! Now we headed to UOG! When we got there for the Charter Day thing it was pretty crowded! There were kids from all over and lots of things to do! We first looked around and then found the Japanese club table! It was an awesome find too because there was this Japanese Weight lifting club thing that was there!!! Me and Arvin tried it out. It was pretty neat talking to them since some of them knew some pretty good english. It was pretty rad, cause they let us do this dead lift thing where you basically just lift up a bar with weights on it. They did their weight by the kbs and it was confusing cause I told them 100 lbs and they gave me 100 kbs = 220 lbs! Anyways I did it and was pretty astonished! Then they gave me this little envelope filled with goodies like a newspaper, cellphone accessory, hand towel, and this thing! After that we walked around a little more and saw lots of people selling bar-b-q and stuff. There was a rock climbing both but we didn't have shoes, there was also a paint ball thing my sister tried for 2$ LOL! Anyways we then went to try out those fried oreos. It was pretty neat. While we were waiting in line Jerome, Von, Anne Marie, and Hector came by and said yo. We said yo back and went on seperate ways temporarily. Then we walked around some moar! and then came back together but with even moar people! There was Jiff, this other d00d, and some girls. It was pretty neat. Anyways we walked around some moar. Then we stopped by the japanese table for a little longer to play with their toys LOL. Then we met up with everyone at the business building in this one room I never went before. We just arm wrestled a little and then we went our separate ways. I tried to get Paul to go but he was already somewhere else. LOL, afterwards we went to Arvin's house to get something and then we went to the Mall. At the mall, we first ate and then went around. We looked inside Macy's for a little while and then Bench. Of yeah, we saw Gian and company there too! We met up twice at the mall. We then went to the arcade and played that jump rope game a couple times LOL, got the jack pot once though. We then went to Rush Gear to check stuff out! We even got to fire an airsoft, pretty neat too. We then went to Harmon chapel to help hand out invites to some kadiwa meeting. LOL! Then we went home LOL! My AC broke today which sucked. And now I am watching Negative Happy Chain Saw Edge. Pretty rad so far.
Okay today I woke up at 9:50AM to get ready to go to the Charter Day thing at UOG. LOL! Arvin came inside and we played some Guitar Hero for a little bit. We then left the house by around 10:30AM. We then went to stop by at A&A pawnshop which was Arvin's one to check out their wares LOL! Amazing stuff they got there! An 80 gig PS3 and an Fender Too!!!! Anyways, Arvin scored us a free pink DS!!! Rad! Now we headed to UOG! When we got there for the Charter Day thing it was pretty crowded! There were kids from all over and lots of things to do! We first looked around and then found the Japanese club table! It was an awesome find too because there was this Japanese Weight lifting club thing that was there!!! Me and Arvin tried it out. It was pretty neat talking to them since some of them knew some pretty good english. It was pretty rad, cause they let us do this dead lift thing where you basically just lift up a bar with weights on it. They did their weight by the kbs and it was confusing cause I told them 100 lbs and they gave me 100 kbs = 220 lbs! Anyways I did it and was pretty astonished! Then they gave me this little envelope filled with goodies like a newspaper, cellphone accessory, hand towel, and this thing! After that we walked around a little more and saw lots of people selling bar-b-q and stuff. There was a rock climbing both but we didn't have shoes, there was also a paint ball thing my sister tried for 2$ LOL! Anyways we then went to try out those fried oreos. It was pretty neat. While we were waiting in line Jerome, Von, Anne Marie, and Hector came by and said yo. We said yo back and went on seperate ways temporarily. Then we walked around some moar! and then came back together but with even moar people! There was Jiff, this other d00d, and some girls. It was pretty neat. Anyways we walked around some moar. Then we stopped by the japanese table for a little longer to play with their toys LOL. Then we met up with everyone at the business building in this one room I never went before. We just arm wrestled a little and then we went our separate ways. I tried to get Paul to go but he was already somewhere else. LOL, afterwards we went to Arvin's house to get something and then we went to the Mall. At the mall, we first ate and then went around. We looked inside Macy's for a little while and then Bench. Of yeah, we saw Gian and company there too! We met up twice at the mall. We then went to the arcade and played that jump rope game a couple times LOL, got the jack pot once though. We then went to Rush Gear to check stuff out! We even got to fire an airsoft, pretty neat too. We then went to Harmon chapel to help hand out invites to some kadiwa meeting. LOL! Then we went home LOL! My AC broke today which sucked. And now I am watching Negative Happy Chain Saw Edge. Pretty rad so far.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Sympathy For Lady Vengeance Review

Sympathy for Lady Vengeance: This movie is a korean comedy psychological film. It depicts the tale of a women who got out of prison and wants to take revenge on the person who sent her there. Don't let that innocent looking picture deceive you, this movie is the deffinition of bi-polar. Some parts can leave you laughing out loud and other parts can leave you utterly disgusted. Which fits well since the girl is nice in the prison but turns 180 degrees in her personality when she gets out. The settings were all really well chosen, from the wacky prison to the abandoned school. The acting gets pretty scary since it seems so realistic, especially the more darker scenes which I can't spoil. Anyways awesome movie, check it out. I really actually did learn something from watching this, which is that "screw not least ye be super screwed" and that korean women are scary. Anyways for fans of Korean Dramas but warning: this movie is not for the kiddies due to the graphic violence and stuff.
Slumdog Millionaire Review

Slumdog Millionaire: This is a sorta adventure drama movie. The gist of the plot is that a guy goes on a indian "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" and he does so good that they arrest him and basically for the most of the movie it recaps on how he knows the answers to the questions. The memories and present issues blend very seamlessly. This movie is so fricken creative with their use of colors and lighting. After watching this movie it felt as if all the questions in the universe were answered. Seriously, very memorable story and makes you think about how important friends and family are. The setting itself was gritty as heck, in a good way. It captures the poverty and population in India incredibly well, well to me it was well since I never personally visited there. It did look like the Philippines though. It was sort of depressing at some points to watch due to the extreme poverty that was shown. The music was awesome which was kinda pointed out during the oscars and the characters are super memorable, even the host of the show was memorable even though he was a jerk. LOLOLOL. It was very cool on how they got three of the same character like a child of the character, an older child, and then the present being of the character. It felt like you actually watched the characters grow up. That is how much detail they went into this movie. I swear, this movie has the greatest post-movie song. I actually wished I knew the lyrics so I can sing a long and maybe even copy the dance! Anyways it's completely fresh, especially if you look at the other movies that are out which arn't as original as this. Original plot = good movie.
a 5/5
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Songfest! 02/28/09
Today was quite fun actually and I'm glad to blog about it right now.
Today I woke up pretty late but there was nothing to do anyways. I woke up at 1PM actually so I slept for about 11 hours which was good. When I woke up and ate Palabok with Lemon and it was good. Then I did my morning routine, you know like take a bath and brush my teeth. I then played GTAIV for a bit. By now it was like 2:30PM. Then when my sister came home we got ready to go to Carlo's Songfest thing at the UOG field house. By now it should be 3:30PM when we left the house. When we left on our way to UOG we saw this very odd vehicle like an old Ford Model. It was interesting. We filled up gas at the Mobile near UOG. When we got there, the parking space was surprisingly filled and we parked pretty far from the field house. By now it should be about 3:50PM. We then went inside and saw Carlo, which we then said yo and went inside. It was pretty crowded inside. The middle of the room had tables and stuff and we sat at the bleachers on the side. I went back out to ask Carlo about the tables in the middle and went back to my seat. My sister then went outside to look for people. She told me that Arvin, Almie, and Adam (all As?) was there. I went back out to get Adam first, so we sneaked inside and then my sister went back outside to get Arvin and Almie. By this point the JRs were already having their performance at the song festival. My sister got Arvin in since Almie didn't want to cum inside yet. LOL. When All the performanced were done, we went to get our food and saw Carlo. I grabbed a couple of drinks LOLOLOLOLOL like that "shot" energy drink. Anyways I went to look for everyone and then sat at one of the top bleachers so I can get a better sight of everything. I then found everyone and we ate the food. I then got out to get more drinks LOLOLOL and then we finally left the field house. Me and Adam went to look for this one person and behold we bumped into some pretty interesting people LOLOLOL. One was a good friend back in Southern named "Bryan" and then another more interesting person that I chatted with a couple years ago named "Melodie" it was quite an interesting moment since we never met till that day LOLOLOL. It was cool though, we just talked and stuff and then left to the bathroom. When we were in there like two girls came in and me and Adam LOL'd. Anyways afterward we went to the front of the Education building to find Alvin, Almie, Charmaine, and Carlo camping LOLOL. It was cool, we had a quick game of Freeze Tag and then left to the buisness building. It was pretty dark by this moment already. We were talking a little before we played tag. In the first round, it was Adam vs everyone and caught only me, it was full of win! And then we rested for a bit and then it was Alvin vs. everyone LOLOLOLOL! That was full of win also!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Afterward we went to that big tree and took some pics and talked and stuff. We then went to the Fine Arts Building to check out that Rooster Show. I tried to get everyone in and could of too but no one wanted to go ;___; me and Alvin wanted to do it for some extra credit so we watched the first three scenes, it was quite interesting actually LOLOLOL. It's about cock fights actually. Anyways we then headed off to Pizza Hut. I rode with Adam and it was cool! We went the wrong way since I thought it was quite literally next to GPO and then we went to the right one LOLOL! When we got there we ordered hot wings, water, and a 1/2 supreme and 1/2 peperoni pan pizza. It was alright but I got full out of it. We talked and stuff and then we took some pics outside and talked even more near the car. We even got to play the ukulele LOLOLOLOLOL! It was rad. Afterward we parted ways and dropped Carlo off home LOLOLOL! We then got home and here I am LOLOL! What a busy day. I wish I can relive it again! It would be rad! LOLOLOLOLOL! Well hopefully tomorrow will be awesome again, we'll have to see.
Today I woke up pretty late but there was nothing to do anyways. I woke up at 1PM actually so I slept for about 11 hours which was good. When I woke up and ate Palabok with Lemon and it was good. Then I did my morning routine, you know like take a bath and brush my teeth. I then played GTAIV for a bit. By now it was like 2:30PM. Then when my sister came home we got ready to go to Carlo's Songfest thing at the UOG field house. By now it should be 3:30PM when we left the house. When we left on our way to UOG we saw this very odd vehicle like an old Ford Model. It was interesting. We filled up gas at the Mobile near UOG. When we got there, the parking space was surprisingly filled and we parked pretty far from the field house. By now it should be about 3:50PM. We then went inside and saw Carlo, which we then said yo and went inside. It was pretty crowded inside. The middle of the room had tables and stuff and we sat at the bleachers on the side. I went back out to ask Carlo about the tables in the middle and went back to my seat. My sister then went outside to look for people. She told me that Arvin, Almie, and Adam (all As?) was there. I went back out to get Adam first, so we sneaked inside and then my sister went back outside to get Arvin and Almie. By this point the JRs were already having their performance at the song festival. My sister got Arvin in since Almie didn't want to cum inside yet. LOL. When All the performanced were done, we went to get our food and saw Carlo. I grabbed a couple of drinks LOLOLOLOLOL like that "shot" energy drink. Anyways I went to look for everyone and then sat at one of the top bleachers so I can get a better sight of everything. I then found everyone and we ate the food. I then got out to get more drinks LOLOLOL and then we finally left the field house. Me and Adam went to look for this one person and behold we bumped into some pretty interesting people LOLOLOL. One was a good friend back in Southern named "Bryan" and then another more interesting person that I chatted with a couple years ago named "Melodie" it was quite an interesting moment since we never met till that day LOLOLOL. It was cool though, we just talked and stuff and then left to the bathroom. When we were in there like two girls came in and me and Adam LOL'd. Anyways afterward we went to the front of the Education building to find Alvin, Almie, Charmaine, and Carlo camping LOLOL. It was cool, we had a quick game of Freeze Tag and then left to the buisness building. It was pretty dark by this moment already. We were talking a little before we played tag. In the first round, it was Adam vs everyone and caught only me, it was full of win! And then we rested for a bit and then it was Alvin vs. everyone LOLOLOLOL! That was full of win also!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Afterward we went to that big tree and took some pics and talked and stuff. We then went to the Fine Arts Building to check out that Rooster Show. I tried to get everyone in and could of too but no one wanted to go ;___; me and Alvin wanted to do it for some extra credit so we watched the first three scenes, it was quite interesting actually LOLOLOL. It's about cock fights actually. Anyways we then headed off to Pizza Hut. I rode with Adam and it was cool! We went the wrong way since I thought it was quite literally next to GPO and then we went to the right one LOLOL! When we got there we ordered hot wings, water, and a 1/2 supreme and 1/2 peperoni pan pizza. It was alright but I got full out of it. We talked and stuff and then we took some pics outside and talked even more near the car. We even got to play the ukulele LOLOLOLOLOL! It was rad. Afterward we parted ways and dropped Carlo off home LOLOLOL! We then got home and here I am LOLOL! What a busy day. I wish I can relive it again! It would be rad! LOLOLOLOLOL! Well hopefully tomorrow will be awesome again, we'll have to see.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
In this blog I will be blogging about today and yesterday.
Today I woke early like at about 9AM and ate some cereal. I then took a shower and then ate steak and eggs. I then got ready for school cause I had a meeting with my group. Out meeting was going to be at 10:30AM so on the ride to school, I get this text message from my group members saying they can't make it! That annoyed me since I got up earlier than usual on a fryday. I then got to school and stayed at the library for a bit, untill perhaps 11:30AM. I then went to the field house fitness room and worked out for a good hour and then went to my nutrition class by foot, which is real far from the field house, perhaps half a mile or so away. Anyways, class was boring as usual and then today we took notes and we were supposed to have an open book test but it turned out to be a bring home test. Which was fine but still st00pid. Anyways class took nearly the entire 3 hours. After this I walked all the way to the HSS building then me and my sister went home. When we got home I played a little bit of GTA IV and it was fun. Anyways, I played for about 1 or 2 hours. Afterward I called Adam to remind him for our church thing later that day. I then went to my room to use the internet. Later at about 6PM I got ready for the church thing in Sina Jana community center. It was really cool surprisingly, everyone showed up at one point or the other. The sermon was long and so was the question and answering. It was cool though. After it me and Adam got some burgers and drinks and went to the entrance to kick back. We ate and then borrowed DJ's guitar and jammed. Later I got the Ukulele from Adam's trunk and then we jammed that also. Ceejay was jamming with us also so that was cool. After that I introduced Adam to more people from Yigo LOLOL It was cool. We talked and stuff a little bit longer but our parents called us out and then we thought we were leaving so Adam left that moment. But to our surprise we weren't leaving LOLOL. LOL On our way to the car we saw Geonard and his teacher. Apparently he just came from a Magic tourney. He lost but he got lotsa cards! I mean like double of what he had LOLOLOL. Anyways we then talked to Von and some other girls who were quite attractive and it was cool. Geonard then left and then we left a little after. When we got home I just used the internet and then got ready for sleep and then slept.
Today I woke up quite late despite sleeping early. I woke up to the smell of food stinking up my room at about 10AM. I then ate cereal and used the internet for a bit. I then ate the sauteed beef w/ mushrooms and then played GTA IV for a about 2-3 hours LOL! My sister then came home and I watched TV and then my parents came home. I then used the internet for a couple more hours and took a short nap. I then took a shower and got ready to go out somewhere since it is my mother's birthday. We then went out to Lonestar. It was quite a fun stay over there. We ordered some appetizers and then ate our main course. I was actually full already. We then went home and here I am blogging this. Tomorrow I have church and lotsa work to do, which we all know sucks.
Today I woke early like at about 9AM and ate some cereal. I then took a shower and then ate steak and eggs. I then got ready for school cause I had a meeting with my group. Out meeting was going to be at 10:30AM so on the ride to school, I get this text message from my group members saying they can't make it! That annoyed me since I got up earlier than usual on a fryday. I then got to school and stayed at the library for a bit, untill perhaps 11:30AM. I then went to the field house fitness room and worked out for a good hour and then went to my nutrition class by foot, which is real far from the field house, perhaps half a mile or so away. Anyways, class was boring as usual and then today we took notes and we were supposed to have an open book test but it turned out to be a bring home test. Which was fine but still st00pid. Anyways class took nearly the entire 3 hours. After this I walked all the way to the HSS building then me and my sister went home. When we got home I played a little bit of GTA IV and it was fun. Anyways, I played for about 1 or 2 hours. Afterward I called Adam to remind him for our church thing later that day. I then went to my room to use the internet. Later at about 6PM I got ready for the church thing in Sina Jana community center. It was really cool surprisingly, everyone showed up at one point or the other. The sermon was long and so was the question and answering. It was cool though. After it me and Adam got some burgers and drinks and went to the entrance to kick back. We ate and then borrowed DJ's guitar and jammed. Later I got the Ukulele from Adam's trunk and then we jammed that also. Ceejay was jamming with us also so that was cool. After that I introduced Adam to more people from Yigo LOLOL It was cool. We talked and stuff a little bit longer but our parents called us out and then we thought we were leaving so Adam left that moment. But to our surprise we weren't leaving LOLOL. LOL On our way to the car we saw Geonard and his teacher. Apparently he just came from a Magic tourney. He lost but he got lotsa cards! I mean like double of what he had LOLOLOL. Anyways we then talked to Von and some other girls who were quite attractive and it was cool. Geonard then left and then we left a little after. When we got home I just used the internet and then got ready for sleep and then slept.
Today I woke up quite late despite sleeping early. I woke up to the smell of food stinking up my room at about 10AM. I then ate cereal and used the internet for a bit. I then ate the sauteed beef w/ mushrooms and then played GTA IV for a about 2-3 hours LOL! My sister then came home and I watched TV and then my parents came home. I then used the internet for a couple more hours and took a short nap. I then took a shower and got ready to go out somewhere since it is my mother's birthday. We then went out to Lonestar. It was quite a fun stay over there. We ordered some appetizers and then ate our main course. I was actually full already. We then went home and here I am blogging this. Tomorrow I have church and lotsa work to do, which we all know sucks.
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