Double the Transformers double the fun?
The basic storyline for the new movie is basically, two years after the events in the first movie, the main character (let's call him Joe) basically finds a piece of the Allspark stuck in his sweater in all of the sudden it sends all of it's information into Joe's brain and then Joe get's all these crazy visions. Joe then goes off to college and then things get crazy and now he's back working together with the Transformers to find a thing called a Matrix that is basically a key to this doomsday machine thing.
Let's start from the beginning of the movie. They started off on the right track with double the explosions and double the action, the problem however, is that there are so many new transformers that we don't know who's who or who's good or who's evil. In the first transformers movie they gave a formal introduction on who all the Transformers are, in this movie they kinda just assume you know who is who or what is what. There being more transformers and all is cool, but it's not cool when you don't know who they are, there's like no connection between us the audience and to the nameless transformers.
After the decent beginning, then the massacre begins. The next 30 minutes or so is pretty boring/stupid. It's pretty much they're excuse to make a watered down College Party movies that didn't really seem to fit, yeah I know he's going to college, but they didn't really have to put in all the sexual tension of ya know what I mean.
After that massacre ends and the explosions start happening then things get interesting. However, from that point on the storyline falls apart. The director tries to blind you with a gratuitous amount of CG and special effects that it's not even funny. It's cool and all but I rather have a good mixture of awesome and story.
There were some parts that made you wonder what just happened and ponder if it was necessary and what not. An example of this is the part where these enemy transformers came in to steal a part of the allspark in the military base and fail to do it. All they do is go in there, attempt to steal it, and right when it was about to get it, it just leaves. They never again try to steal it or reference this part.
The character balancing was kinda odd, as some of the major characters of the last movie where given minor parts (Military guys) and would be minor characters of this movie were given bigger parts (college friend guy, and ex-sector 7 guy). Some of the enemy transformers from the old movie showed up only to be destroyed within seconds in this movie (Scorpian transformer thing).
I kinda felt bad for the transformers since there were soo much of them this time, that a lot of them got destroyed and we as an audience didn't care if they were either good or bad.
With those being said, I still thought the action was pretty cool but the CG effects are not believable. You can tell the CG people got lazy since sometimes it would pan off the transformers when they transform. Yeah I get that it's really hard to make that stuff, but they might as well go the extra distance since they already invested so much in it.
The ending was pretty abrupt if you asked me. There was not much closure but eh, I guess there was nothing else to say or to look forward to but an obvious sequel on it's way.
As for the soundtrack, I thought it was pretty adequate I guess. Overall, Transformers is basically the old transformers movie but with double the transformers and action, however, it has a weaker storyline from the first.
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