This ain't no Street Fighter movie review, rather, a japanese psychological drama. The plot is basically this girl was on a summer school far from her family and one day her family gets killed by a murderer and the plot of the rest of the movie is set 8 years in the future and her interactions with the murderer's daughter. This is a pretty slow paced movie with all the good stuff happening near the end. The story is basically about revenge and stuff like that. Really interesting how things unfold. Some parts will be present day interactions and then it would go to reminiscence in dreams and then it would also recount the murder and the murderer's intention The murder scene itself wasn't too violent, it blanked out the murder of the kids of course, and the whole scene was in black and white. This show kinda pulls off a "School Day" like ending, where it would start out as a semi-normal drama and then it would unfold into the murders and attempted murder. The movie is lengthy! Which is good on my account. They really go into detail when explaining the murderer's intentions and the interaction between the two girls. After seeing the reasons why the murderer killed, you start to wonder if he was sane and if murder was really necessary. A good chunk of the movie is the interactions of the two girls. The girl who got her family murdered knows that it's the murderer's daughter when they talk but not vice versa if you catch my drift. The massacred family girl eventually tempts the murderer's daughter to murder her abusive husband. I won't spoil what happens after, but it's a shocker. The soundtrack involved was very powerful and fitting with each moment. Only j-pop you will find is in the ending credits LOL. I wished their were more character interaction with other people, it felt as if the movie centered around the 3 characters. There were some other character interaction between friends and other people, just to let you know they exist but it wasn't strong enough for you to feel attached to them also, like in some other movies. The storyline as a whole was solid, however, it ended with a asian wtfbbq? type ending, in this case heck, I'll spoil the wtfbbqness, it's a lesbian kiss, I mean on the lips. I was like, lolwut? I kinda had a hint it would happen, but it felt pretty unnecessary, was it supposed to mean something deep? I dunno.
Bottomline: very good story line, very long but kind of slow at some parts. It has a pretty wtfbbq? type ending. This would interest people who are into asian dramas and such. Is it worth the watch? pretty hard to tell, man, I'll leave it up to you. It's a 3.
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