I know this album came out quite some time ago, but I just have to name drop this. Anyways this was created by this one Indian lad named Hrishikesh Hirway which I have no idea how to pronounce. Anyways this album is so good that I don't think I have to say anything besides this is a "classic" right here. But for reviews sake I will say something. The soundscapes present in this album is downright jaw dropping, Hirway has single handedly created one of the most "beautiful" sounding records I have ever had the pleasure to listen to. One of the songs is literally made up of lots of wonderful samples and sweet guitaring and a bunch of 'hmmms' and 'ahhhhs', never did I think that hmmms and ahhhs can be so catchy and awesome! As for the actual sound, it's very dense landscapes with delicately played guitar parts and sweet electronic beats that arn't too heavy or poppy or annoying. This is most likely the best album of it's genre actually. The vocals are super sweet also and makes you sleepy in a good way, I really wished I could sing like the guy. It's a very sleepy album, which is good since I like good soft music from time to time. Buy it, download it, borrow it from a friend, you just have to hear this incredibly album.
This may well be an album for our generation! 5/5!
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