Sunday, August 2, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blooded Review

The general gist of the storyline to the new movie is that Harry Potter is still on his quest to finally destroy Voledemort and reap revenge for giving him a scar on his forehead, oh and killing his parents. This year at Hogwarts all of the old faces you have come to love are still there and some new faces too.

Wow, now that I think about everything, there isn't really much to say about this new movie. All of the Harry Potter movies are pretty much very similar and the only difference being a new storyline and better visuals. I guess for this review I will take a look at the some of the tidbits of the movie.

First: Not as advertised

Well, the trailer for the movie made it seem hella hardcore in a sense that magicians are finally going to reveal them selves in the real world and cause some super havoc. It is also said something like that "They will cross their worlds...into ours" even though this is true, there really wasn't much to it. What they showed in the trailer the only part that shows them crossing their world into ours. I was expecting way more than a (!spoiler alert! oh wait, if you seen the trailer you I wouldn't be spoiling anything) bridge being twisted. It made it look like the evil wizards were taking humans as hostages, but that is already in their world when that happens. Yeah, this was a pretty big letdown, well then again if you read the book you probably would of already known that. Strike one for not having read the book and expecting more!

Secondly: Same same same. How about everyone else? Ohhhh shiney

I find it interesting that the movie is 2 and a half hours long and for the most part you will be seeing only Harry Potter and Dumbledore. It felt like they had some of the other characters pop up at random moments (seconds at a time) just so they can say they were there. A lot of scenes really do look like they could have came from past movies. Well the visuals are pretty beefed up this time around. They all look wonderful and pretty cool (Ino vague but heck). To go into more detail, it's mostly the cloud/smoke effects that really stood out. The locations are very believable and indeed very colorful. It feels so alive and real. I wouldn't mind actually visiting the set just to check out some of the buildings and such.

Thirdly: Wait that's it?

This is one of those "if you didn't read the book then too bad" moments. Since I am one (and there are many) of the people who have not read the book, I thought there was going to be an extra hour of footage before they decided to call it quits and show the credits. It seriously left me dumbfounded and left me feeling scammed. Heck Voldemort the series' main antagonist didn't even show up (well in flashbacks but for reviews sake they don't count). There doesn't seem to be much story backing up this movie too. It's mostly balderdash to keep us busy till the last movie comes out next year. There isn't even a real climax. It builds up near the end and never really explodes the way I thought it would. There was one part where I thought I was watching a Lord Of the Rings deleted scene though, which was kinda funny. I was like "lolwut? Gandolf and Golem?"

Conclusion: Well, it's not really worth a theater watch imo. I was surprised on how much it sold out on midnight release. I say, if you read the book, then well you don't even HAVE to watch or care about it. But for the rest of us STILL following the series I would recommend buying the book and reading it or wait for it to come out on DVD/Blu-Ray/whatever.


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