Anyways before I begin I want to make it clear that I have not watched the original series but fear not for I has watched some of The Next Generation series. Before I watched it I was wondering if I was going to be confused at any moment since I didn't get to watch the original series. I was lucky to be relieved that it actually didn't matter since the movie itself was in canon to the original series. Anyways heres the main storyline which I had no idea of before I watched.
Set in an alternate universe, a Romulan space ship travels back in time, not on purpose, but in accident. When they did, they basically attacked a federation ship with Kirk and his family in it. This is where things go in canon since Kirk's father dies when he was born and events turn out quite differently. Anyways the story is then of Kirk going to join the space fleet and of Spock also joining the fleet. They then have to work together to defeat the Romulan threat. But they have a hard time working together while they are at it. Oh and the guy from Shaun of the Dead was there.
The sweet thing about this movie was the special effects, it was gorgeously done and pretty much features the best effects ever! period! Unlike Star Wars where technology seems to advance with every movie even if it was a prequel, in Star Trek the technology was more to their standards in their time and not better than what the latest star trek series would be, so the tech level was logical. To be honest, I am not too sure if the actors portrayed the original characters correctly. But one things for sure, the characters are fricken colorful and unique. You have the Russian guy with the hilariously deep accent. The asian guy and even the guy from Shaun of the Dead. The guy from Shaun of the Dead did a fricken awesome job, a funny one too.
The storyline as a whole was not complicated and easily accessible for anyone in the family to fully enjoy. Not really a deep meaning, it won't answer your question for the search of identity or the meaning of life. The only thing I noticed in the film was the pretty sophisticated vocabulary of the Vulcan race. I was also questioning myself "Why do the Vulcans and Romulans speak english? And even better than the humans?" Well that didn't matter, it was better than reading really big words in subtitle. I did find the storyline to be as compelling as it was awesome, so that really did make up for the no deep meaning part. It had equal parts sad as it does funny. Dang Simon Pegg was a good choice for his role! The tear jerkin parts were pretty cool and the funny parts were stupidly (good) funny!
One small complaint that can be made is that it didn't show much different species. It would have been cool to see a Klingon. The enemy choice was good. I'm actually glad they used Romulans since Borgs would have been too obvious. Well Borgs are still cool and scary and stuff but the Romulan spacecraft was way awesome and beats a cube anyday LOL! Oh yeah, the bad guy was pretty cool, he did his part as good as he had to with emphasis on awesome!!!
This has definitely got to be the best Star Trek movie created ever! Heck it even beats the Star Wars movies! Eat that Star Wars geeks. Anyways, yeah, I did watch Nemesis before, it was pretty cool but still felt kinda low budget. Star Trek, however, went all out. Man I can't explain how awesome the effects like the super novas and creation of black holes and stuff like that looked! It's crazy. The CGs for the animals on that ice world were hella wonderfully done and looked way too real. They were designed very well, they were fierce and creepy looking. They are possibly the most realistic creatures I have ever scene in a movie. The Transformers 2 trailer was actually shown and the CGs for those creatures made the transformers look hecka fake and noticeably computer generated.
As far as the actual sound went, It was orchestrated very well and did it's part. The ending was rad, it had the famous monologue and ended with the famous Star Trek theme redone! Sweet! I'm pretty sure there was hecka eye candy for the original Star Trek fans out there since they actually had the original Spock. There was a good amount of reference to the original series so I thought that was pretty neat.
Yup! This movie is pretty much the best of it's genre which is awesome genre. This IS the BEST movie out so far this year, second would be Slumdog Millionaire. Anyways a 4.75/5
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