Thursday, March 3, 2011

Two Day Marathon 03/02-03/03

For the past two days I quite literally had next to no sleep. Now I will try to remember in text format what happened during these 48 hours.


I think I started this marathon at 9:00AM after my last five hour sleep. I got ready for school and well yeah, you know. Took a shower and stuff like that?! On the drive to school it was pretty normal, at this time it should be around 9:40AM. I got to school at about 9:50AM and went straight to my slave labour at the school of nursing again. My shift was from 10AM-12Am, nothing really cool happened, I think I just filed a lot of peoples failed papers again and ran to the post-office and stuff like that. After work study I ate my lunch which was hot dawgs I think?! And then I practiced my recorder for the test in my Music FUNdaMETALs class, so that was pretty classy. In class that day it was pretty AIGHT!!! We studied a bunch of Music theory that I don't remember any more and I did pretty good on the test too! So that was pretty neat. After that I went to the UOG field house to work out! I ran into Jan and Gian over there so that was pretty cool! By now it should be around 5:00PM so I started heading home. When I got home I took a shower, ate some pizza I think and then got my things ready for chior practice at church. Since I still had time, right now should be around 6:30PM so I took a nap for like 30 mins so by 7:15PM I left for practice. Practice was pretty long actually. I didn't get home till like 9:30PM?! I don't remember. When I got home I ate I forgot and drank some Low Carb MONSTER ENERGY DRINK! GET IN OR GET OUT!!!!!1! but yeah, then I started on my research project for PS-404 which is about the strategic capabilities on Guam. I'll possibly end up posting it here if I get the chance in the future.


The then current time should be around 1AM and I got side tracked by a Sun Tzu "Art of War" documentary on youtube. I found it very useful in understanding classical methods in strategy and overall it was very interesting. By the time I finished it it was like 2AM?! And then I realized I only had one page down so far. So I grinded all the way till 5AM and I got about 2 1/2 pages so then I decided to take a brake and watch some Angry Video Game Nerd vids. Freaken funny stuff. So then at 5:30AM I got back in action and by 6:45AM I just got a little over 3 pages. I seriously thought the paper was due this day which was why I was killing myself over this. I then took a shower and got my things all ready for school. Time update is now 7:15AM. I left the house and headed to UOG!!1! Or actually, I went to the Mobil near UOG first, I got 7 gallons worth of regular, a orange rockstar, and a newspaper. Then I headed to UOG!1! The first thing I did was head to class but I ran into Jenna at the 2nd floor of the HSS and then Jonathan came in too. The current time was 8:05AM yeah we were early alright. I then headed to Weinburgs class which was interesting to say the least today. We were discussing about the 40 pg. opinion on the separation of powers on Guam. I thought it was interesting but I thought we were supposed to be studying the U.S Constitution not territorial BS mumbojumbogalumbokakadookiebullcrap. Oh well, everyone was on Facebook discussing their discontent against Weinburg which was quite hilarious since I was trippin on Rockstar. After class I found out from Des that the paper for 404 was not due till next week! SWEEEEET! I thought I was gonna have to shoot myself. Next I headed to Stoil to triple dawg check on the test. So I did, when I got there actually, Weinburg was there too. I think what was going on was, Weinburg actually realizes how ineffective his teaching style is for a 400 lvl course so he went to Stoil to see how it's done. And yeah, when I was there Stoil explained the differences between 100/200/300/400 lvl courses were and Weinburg was like "uh-oh" I was actually kinda feeling sad for the guy at that point cause I remember Stoil saying something like "Weinburg, you better stay and listen to the differences between the upper and lower division classes, in upper division, you are supposed to lecture less and have the students do more of the talking..." But enough of that, when Weinburg left I asked Stoil to proofread my rough draft and said that it was aight, one good argument and one not so strong one, which was ok I guess. He then actually gave me one of his old papers to copy up which was pretty neat cause it was in a Japanese journal and his journal entry was the only one in English LOLOLOL! Oh well, After this I ran into Laurie I believe so I followed her for a bit and then I headed down and ran into Rachel in the 2nd floor of the HSS. Current time was 9:55AM. At this time I actually left and went to Mobil again!!1! Over there i got a jumbo hotdog, dr. pepper, diet pepsi, and dorritos. I went here so I can do more of my home work due today D: I got to get most of my notes down and then at like 11:30AM I started small dosing offs of like 5 mins intervals. It was odd but it got me rested?/? Then at 11:55AM I got up and went back to UOG. At UOG I went to the library to make copies of Stoil's paper! I did and then I ran into John too! So that was pretty cool! Current time 12:20PM and I still had to do 20pgs worth of reading. I got only about 10pgs read and then I went to class late at around 12:35PM? Today in class PS-302 it was pretty cool, or actually it sorta felt like a rehash yet more detailed, weird huh? After this I headed to my slave center...again!!!1! Today surprisingly literally nothing of interest happened at the Nursing building. I was there from 2-5PM. Oh wait, during work study I actually got to do a LOT of reading! I FREAKEN READ SUN TZU'S ART OF WAR!!1! oh well, after work study I ate some curry and changed into church clothes. After this I went to my PS-404 class or actually the poli-sci lib and ran into Jonathan Padios, Austin Duenas, and Vincent Villaruel!!1! That was lots of fun! Then later I ran into Christiana Ramirez and Desori Bermudes!!1! and then Michael J. Stoil and Arun Swamy too!! it was like the elite Political Science folk in one place! I felt that class was very productive in PS-404 and went way better than it did last Monday. I had to leave class early at 6:40PM to go to church. I got to church at 7PM and made it in time for choir. By now you can actually realize how insanely tired I am. During one of the prayers I literally fell asleep for a second or something. I felt it, and I'm being serious, it's hard to explain but it's serious, dead serious. Oh and CHEERFUL CATUNAO WAS THERE AT YIGO TOO!!! I wished stay afterward though. She looked very beautiful in that dress. After church it was around 9:40PM?! Then I went to Mobil yet again!!1! this time to get two Ritz sodas (Fruit Punch/Lime) and also to get air for my tires. By the time I finally got home it was like 10:05PM!!1! I ate some chicken and hot dawgs while watching King of the Hill. After that I retired to my room and played the electric guitar. I was trying to play the Number Twelve but ended up play Fall of Troy and Lamb of God again. Oh well, after that I watched the 100th episode of the Angry Video Game Nerd and boy was it amazing!!!1! And now I am writing this blog and getting wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy tired. It is now 12:51AM and I am going to finally retire.