Once again I'll try my best to keep a detailed account of my daily life.anyways I woke up and then I took a shower. I then brushed my teeth and got ready to go to GPO (Guam Premium Outlet) its a small and humble little outlet with outrageous prices. Anyways we are going there because we are gonna watch a movie. Today I wore a Transistor Transistor shirt, Macbeth shoes, Volcom socks, and Element Board shorts. anyways when we got there I headed to the book store here called "Best Seller" it reminded me of how awesome Barnes & Noble was. Best Seller pails in comparison to B&N. Anyways I was checking out books to get updated since I havnt looked at books recently. The only thing interesting I read was this book about exciting jobs like CIA,FBI,Bounty Hunter, Archeologist and how much they get payed. Also I read a book about really mon$$$ wines like there was a wine bottle sold for 165,000$ or something like that. anyways after that me and my sister watched Tropic Thunder while my parents and little sister watched Death Race. Tropic Thunder I guess I can give an 8/10 cause it was really really really funny and stupid. I cant give it a 10 cause its a comedy. anyways after that I wanted some curry but no store in the food court had it. I then ate discounted 50% off Chinese fast food cause it was cheap and real tasty. It was like only 3.75$ for 3 choices!!! anyways after that we went to the grocery store next to GPO called "California Mart" its sorta an oriental store cause it has much asian imports. after that we went home and I made my some some Chamomile tea so I can sleep easier. anyways after that I played "Melty Blood" and got 7/8 endings I will get the last one either tonight or tomorow anyways now I am on the internet. it was a really fast and interesting day today. oh yea when I was at GPO I saw some people from HS. I saw Anthony, Ronald Tavares, Ronald Reyes, Micheal, and that one white guy I think it was John or something. oh yea Melty isnt a real word.
I've been real tired and sleep wouldnt make me less tired. I think tonight will be the same since I just ate at 9. Its 11:16 and I am still not tired. maybe doing this at night will help me sleep. I also started going to UOG, funny thing is that when I went there for fun as a Junior or Senior in High School it was really fun and I thought it would be full of win and fun but now that I am there, it is somewhat boring since theres no Paul, Josh, Adam, Darren, Matt, etc... I got Albert in one of my classes so that was cool. Anyways I hate my hours at school it is incredibly long and tediouse. Now the Vaio might not work in time for school tuesday. also I got new glasses. Their real sick, they are like look like win. I cant explain but rectangular stainless steel like frame. Not sure what it is made of, maybe Titanium.
Today I woke up at 6:30 I took a shower as usual. It was a normal day just like every day at UOG in thursdays. After that I got ready and my sister dropped me off to school while she goes to work at that one Brothers Dental Clinic. I went to class right away when I got there. When I went inside I started to read our required reading textbook and then the teacher came in. After that he explained to us some concepts of writing essays and making them good. During his lecture I was listening and everything but Mr Blaz didnt think i was and kept calling on me and snapping his finger for my attention and I was like "what?" anyways we then paired up with our partners from last tuesday to finish our interview and make a one paragraph essay. It has to be 11 sentence paragraph too. I had an interesting conversation with my partner "Ramona" shes cool and everything but I only has about like 5 sentences only so far. Hopefully my final will be flawless. After class I went straight to my Anthropology class. It was boring as usual we did this small test thing as a class and then watched a movie. I have 2 HWs for that class. Anyways now after that I went to the library to look for books that I needed and then called the person and texted too for an english book. after that I went and got food at the Cafeteria in our school. I bought Honey walnut shrimp and some orange chix stuff ot sucked compared to Panda express. I also bought water it all totaled to like 6$. I ate it by myself in the rotunda where they were having a little political thingy goin on. after eating I went to look for more ads and found a real good one. aI also bumped into Cheerful there too. after that I went to the library to relax by using the laptop and stuff. after that I went to my next class which was Mmath 085 which is a self taught class. I found out that I finished chaps 1-3 and 5-6 I still need to complete the rest. I also did my diagnosis test for chap4 so I should be able to take the actual test this tuesday. I need to finish this class asap. After this I returned my other English book for 60$ back and then bought a used one from someone at the library for 25$ man Im smart. anyways after that I used the mac for a little longer untill my sister said that she was coming already. After that I went to the Fitness room. I changed quickly in the locker room. anyways when I went inside the fitness room there were 2 girls
anyways I didnt talk to them or speak to them much anyways, they just asked me if I was going to UOG or not. my sister also came into the weight room and used it too. we were there for about 30 mins or so... It was an intense work out even for me. After that we went back to the book store to buy drinks. 1 big green time and 2 sm juice packs. We also bumped into Cheerful again. after that we went home. When I got home I was dead tired. I played Melty Blood ReAct for a little while and I pwn at that game. after that I took a short rest till 6. We then went to Pizza hut. when we got there we ordered the family meal which consisted of 2 Specialty pizzas (Peperonni Lover and Delux Supreme) Bread sticks and cinnasticks. We also ordered a 2 litter pepsi. after earting we went to the video store. Im not too sure what videos we rented but I wasnt interested in watching them either. After that we then went home and I played Melty Blood, Mugen, Internet, and watched this tv show my sister likes called "Cold Case" anyways I was recently banned from gaia which is why I hasnt made a post for 3 days. Still not sure why I was banned too. anyways nothing really interesting happened lately but yesterday I noticed this one asian girl in my class who had the same haircut as Rena Ryuuguu but a little bit hipper. Man I wanted to talk to her but I only got to speak to her friend for a bit. Anyways thats about it. I have been incredibly tired lately and wierd things have been happening. Maybe its just a coincedence. well thats about all for now.
aye. today was boring! I rather go through yesterday again. anyways I woke up at 10AM and then brushed my teeth and ate pizza. After that I played Melty Blood ReAct again and then used the internet. I then took a nap and then woke up ate curry and went to this bible study in Sina Jana. Really boring.... we ate there and then went home. now Im sitting here. what a boring day... hopefully tomorow can balance out todays suck
Today was wuite an uneventful day. It started off really well because when I woke up I had lotsa energy even thou I had a bad sleep. Anyways however on the drive to school I read my homework assignment and I went straight to class afterwards. In english today we didnt do much besides go over some stuff and finished our interview essays. After that when I went to my next class I found that we didnt have any class today cause our teacher wasnt feeling well. On my way to the library nothing interesting happened. I tried texting people for books but I ran out of minutes for the phone. Anyways afterwards I used the internet till about 10:45 I think then went to the cafeteria to buy food. I basically got the usual mongolian beef and walnut shrimp. I ate alone that day again cause I didnt find anyone cool. On my way back to the library I bumped into Albert than Coung and then Sixto that made my day a little better. anyways after that I studied my math stuff and then went to class. i took my diagnosis test in math for Chapter 4 which is the fractions test. It was a super messy paper, I hope I passed. Anyways I then left early and went to the library. I just used the internet and played Last Blade 2. When It turned 2 I went to the fitness room. Today I didnt get to do much since my sister wanted to go home already. When we got home we ate chip and artichoke dip. I later took a nap. I went to church and then went back home and here I am now. Another uneventful day passed in the blink of an eye. Hopefully tomorow will be a new day and maybe I might get to meet new people.
Today was actually pretty okay! Anyways it started out normal enough, I woke up took a shower and ate cereal and then got ready to go and went to school. It was really c001 sortof. anyways when I got to school I went to the library to use it but then it was closed. So I went under a tree/big bush which had a bench under its shade. Good thing too because it was raining. I used the internet for a little while untill the library opened. I then went into the library to study for my medical terminology class. I couldnt concentrate and I kept lookin at the internet. anyways I then went to my medical terminology class and then sat next to Gabriel who is like African I think. Anyways we talked about college and southern and a little of her past which she came from a small school like in Higurashi where everyone from every grade is in one class. Our teacher wasnt in for the day so we left after 15 minutes. I took the seceret way out of the building and also found another way out that looks like they got it from the Winchester Mansion cause it is basically a 15-18 ft drop. Anyways after that I went back to the library and used it for quite a long time playing Last Blade 2 and usin the net. I took a good 30 minute nap. I then went to the rotunda and thats where the fun began sorta. anyways when I got there I found Coung, Will, and 2 strangers. I talked to Will for a bit about ID-180 and then went to the Cafe to get food which was Walnut Shrimp, Beef Brocoly, Fried Rice, and a Big Green Time, after that I ate with them around and then talked to Coung about stuff while we watched Murder Princess on Will's Laptop. After that we got that ID-180 binder from Will's car and then I went off to complete the assignment in about 30 mins in the seceret part of the library's 3rd floor. It was sooo seceret in fact that I got to blast my music a little. and then I raced back to my ID-180 class. Anyways in class today we got to go in groups. I joined a group with the asian girl who has Rena's haircut who's name maybe be Ying, some other girl, and some guy with glasses who I think his name might be James or somemthing. It was fun cause I always wanted to talk to her not that I liked her or anything but found her interesting cause she had a University Physics book. Anyways today we discussed time management and it kinda got me thinking about getting serious in school cause I has nothin else better to do. I cant concentrate at all for some reason, I kind of have a feeling that something bad will happen soon. Anyways after that I went to the rotunda to return Will's Binder and I couldnt find him so I put it under his laptop and then got my ID. Its a stupid ID which I will probobly still have in years from now. Anyways after that I went back to the library and bumped into Sixto and Silvia. I then used the internet for a little longer and went to the Fitness Room. Today I was in there for about one hour and in that one hour there was only about 5 other people who came and left. Anyways after that me and my sister went to moblie. She got gas and I went to Fast Copy to get my Lecture notes for Anthropology which cost me $17 something. Anyways after that we met up with out parents at the Pho place in the ITC building. Its the only respectable Pho place on island too. Anyways It was a good dinner actually. Man hopefully someday I will get to meet a girl who can cook it really awesome like. after that we went to GPO. Me, my sister, mother, and little sister went around while my dad was at best seller which is a Barnes & Noble rip off. anyways we went to Ross and looked for things we might need. After that we looked around and ended up getting nothing. it was a work out walking around I guess. After this we went home and I got my brass knuckle. Well its made out of Poly Carbon Fiber which is similar to Hard Plastic. I think I have to practice using it because I dont have it now for a reason. Things these days are getting stranger everyday, I dont really know how to cope with these... problems. What happened to those shining days of the past, I just hope I can prevent any tragedy that will occur. Its just me and my knuckles now. Right now I am currently trying to relax and get ready for school tomorow.
okay today was yea your ordinary day. actually not really last night we stayed at the Fiesta(Fi!-Eh!-Sta!) hotel and it was fun cause we got Chinese food and ate it and then went to swim and then go to the fitness room. Anyways yea so I woke up freezing in the hotel room and took a super hot bath. After that my mom droped me off to school but before we went there we stopped at Crown Bakery. I thought it would be cheap but they hired their price on them Cream Puffs. We got too and I ate one and brought it to school. In English it was your normal day but we actually had class work and turned in our essays which I didnt do to well. anyways after that I went to my AN101 class and today we watched the rest of the movie from Tuesday and then did this tasting test and then it was to see if you can taste good or not. anyways it was one of the most bitter things I have ever tasted. I took 2 altoids but it was still there. anyways I took a few of those strips to pull a prank but I never did use it. Anyways I went to the library used the lappy and then took a nap and then skipt my MA085 and then ate my other Cream Puff and then used lappy untill I went home. We got gas on the way home and stopped at McDonalds. We actually got the Big Mac sauce on the burgers it costs $.30 more thou but its worth it. anyways when we got home I used the comp more and than napped. when I woke up I ran for about 3 miles and than showered and then ate fish cynagang. after that I used compy till I am sleep. lately I have been getting lazier and lazier academically. I have to wake up and realize it before its too late...
Okay today wasnt that interesting but let me go over it quickly. oh wait it was quite interesting sort of. anyways I woke upa t about 8 something and then ate breakfast and then we went to UOG. I was sopposed to go to the fitness room but it was closed >.<>
Today nothing really special happened well sortof but I will go over yesterday quickly as well. so yesterday umm It was normal and boring but then when I was going to my ID-180 class I met up with two people. Ante and Nate I belive their names where. they where cosplaying the Chobits girl and the guy from Naruto. Anyways they were real nice people and asked me to join the club and some info about it. Anyways after everything I went to the fitness room and after school we went to basketball practice with the brethren here. It was pretty win if you ask me. We stayed there from like 7PM-9PM. I got extra exercise LOL. ummm I did pretty okay. Anyways that was yesterday. Today school was pretty normal and everything. nothing out of the ordinary oh wait except that I met a new guy from my church
and Rick helped me on my math work! It got me in the mood of doing math work which I put off for a week. I went to the fitness room but it ended prematurely cause my sister was tired. anyways when I got home I took a nap. When I woke up I watched tv and used internet. Oh yea yesterday we went late to school cause my sisters car flat tired and it was raining. I missed my NU112 class because of it. Umm lately I've been feeling better about school and such. Hopefully the future will get even brighter.
Today I woke up at about 1PM and then I went to brush my teeth. I then ate a little bit of palobok that my mom cooked earlier. After that I went to use the internet and was on gaiaonline for a few hours. I went back to eat more palabok and then went to use gaiaonline again for a few more hours and then we went to the anime convention. I was to be Beat and my sister as Neku both from The World Ends With You. When we got there we went to first check out how much people was inside ad stuff. and then all the suddenly there was this girl who went up to me and then asked me if I am Levie and stuff like that and I was surprised. LOL! Then we talked and stuff and then we went back into the car to change into our costumes. It took me only 1 minute but it took my sister about 10 mins to change.oh but before we reached the anime complex we got $20 of gas at mobile. As we were leaving the car
Today nothing really special happened well sortof but I will go over yesterday quickly as well. so yesterday umm It was normal and boring but then when I was going to my ID-180 class I met up with two people. Ante and Nate I belive their names where. they where cosplaying the Chobits girl and the guy from Naruto. Anyways they were real nice people and asked me to join the club and some info about it. Anyways after everything I went to the fitness room and after school we went to basketball practice with the brethren here. It was pretty win if you ask me. We stayed there from like 7PM-9PM. I got extra exercise LOL. ummm I did pretty okay. Anyways that was yesterday. Today school was pretty normal and everything. nothing out of the ordinary oh wait except that I met a new guy from my church
Today I woke up at about 1PM and then I went to brush my teeth. I then ate a little bit of palobok that my mom cooked earlier. After that I went to use the internet and was on gaiaonline for a few hours. I went back to eat more palabok and then went to use gaiaonline again for a few more hours and then we went to the anime convention. I was to be Beat and my sister as Neku both from The World Ends With You. When we got there we went to first check out how much people was inside ad stuff. and then all the suddenly there was this girl who went up to me and then asked me if I am Levie and stuff like that and I was surprised. LOL! Then we talked and stuff and then we went back into the car to change into our costumes. It took me only 1 minute but it took my sister about 10 mins to change.oh but before we reached the anime complex we got $20 of gas at mobile. As we were leaving the car
Today wasnt that particularly interesting but I'll go ahead. anyways today i woke up at 6:40AM and took a shower and then got ready for school. I got to class right on time and chatted with my friend Alex about class and our essays. Today in class we started out by talking about our local politics. Just as I thought, people who are against Prop A are the same people who would vote for Obama which shows how simple and generic some people are. Anyways after class I went to my anthropology class which was held at the Library AV room. When I got inside my friend James was already there so I waited for him to finish his essay since I didnt really know where it was. Todays class was pretty interesting. We got to do this thing were we compare languages with Chammorro. Very interesting out of all the languages Tagalog was close to Chammorro by 70%! Anyways after class I headed straight to the buisness building to grab some lunch anyways today I was kinda lookin for Cheerful since my day wasnt goin by so cheerfuly anyways today I ate 2 cups of noodles. One was chicken and the other was Wonton. I actually got some work completed and went to my mathclass and actually did work! I then went back to the library where I met up with my sister and we did some moar work and then went home. When I got home I watched TV while eating 2 peperoni big new yorker pizzas. after i went to cut my hair a little. And then I showered and took a nap. When I woke up I quickly got ready for church and burned a CD. Today at church I actually kinda broke down during doxology for the first time ever since my first performace. I dunno why. I thought without glasses I would be less nervous. After performance we had our student prayer and cws guard meeting. I then went home to do some moar work while listenin to awesome vinyls like Daitro and Bloody Panda. Anyways Geonard came by and I went back out side for a while to talk to people about things like the band. Anyways I got back home to finish the work and use the internet. Today went by in a whirlwind again. Its already the 5th! last I remembered was Holloween! Man anyways tomorow is the Smashmouth concert. man I hate them but I dont mind being there just to be there. Anyways tomorow will start out slow as usual and then I will get to school and listen to music or watching more animes. And then I will get to class where It will be fun at first and then boring and then fun again. I will then head to the education building where I will like stay for a while and then go to the cafeteria for lunch. or I can get lunch first then go to the education building. Then at about 12:20PM that mysterious cute girl whom I met only once, will sit next to me and talk to me more. We will then get to know eachothers very well. I will then leave for class. In class we will have a light discussion and then we will leave early. I will then have a choice to go back to talk to that girl or go to the computer lab. I won't force myself now. No wait. I should go back and talk to the girl and do my work! After this I will get back to the English building and talk to my sister since she needs help with her assignment. Afterwards I will go to the fitness room and work my heart out. After this we will have a tremendously good time at the concert and I will get to meet more girls! After I get home I will listen to my new records and then print out my work and go to sleep.
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