This is a generalization of a day that I work.
I was awaken when my cell phone rang, and I realized that it wasn't my alarm but my ring tone going off. When I looked who was calling it was my work place. When I answered they asked me if I called last night which I did, and I even told them that I was to work the night shift. They asked me then if I could do the morning shift, knowing me, I much rather work the morning. So I agreed to do so, as long as I can get there at 11AM, which was pretty cool. So I got ready and went off to work as usual. Like usual, my mother droped me off, I was hoping for the mall so that my mother could drop me off there instead of having to beg my workplace for a ride to GPO.
Today, I was at the mall. So my mom dropped me off in the usual spot near coldstone (irony) and so I began. We started off pretty slow. Here's the bus schedule today so you can see what I see.
V1: 15 Keoni
V2: 52 Ador
VA: 42 James
VB: 54 JP
V3: 51 Cas
V4: 46 Frankie
VC: 18 Ignacio
V5: 27 George
V6: 21 Manny
V7: V10 Ruben
V8: 26 Tommy
Somewhat usual/normal schedule today. All awesome people with unique personalities looolcat. Anyway's today was weird, cause even though the drivers didn't drop a lot of customers, it felt like I was sending back a lot of people to their hotels.
Unique Experiance
Every time I work there is usually a few unique things that happen that makes my day more memorable. This is most likely of interest to me, so you most likely may think it's not all that special
#1: This one couple asked me about "corridos misaki" which most of us know as "Two Lovers Point", he asked me how to get there so I told him that our buses don't travel there so you have to take the red shuttle to it. I then gave them directions on the right exit so they can go there. An hour or two later they came back, I asked them what they thought about two lovers point and he told me that the bus schedule to go there is every hour and a half so they decided to go shopping around the mall instead. I took a picture with the guy and I took a picture for them in front of the mall. I wished I did it better.
#2: Harold/Albertson/??? came by to visit me in my work. It was quite hallarious actually, the japanese family in front of us were wondering what they were doing. I let Harold test drive my job and the family was practically laughing. As they were leaving Harold asked me to tell the girl that she was cute and so I did. She was happy but I felt bad cause she had a sister that was pretty too, but I can tell that she was disappoint.
#3: There were these two Japanese girls that I met near the middle half of my day and one was a 29 year old nutritionist and the other was a 32 year old friend. The nutritionist spoke extremely good English which I complemented her on. She told me that she learned it while she was in college in Canada. That was pretty cool. We talked for a while and I can tell that she really digged me ;D she was super pretty too. She said that she was only here for TWO fricken days! They arrived like 12 AM this morning actually and is leaving tommorow night. She said she was sad cause they wanted to stay longer and spent a lot of money just to go here. I wished I knew her name.
#4: Just when I was about to go leave, there were these two japanese girls I talked to who were going to GPO, I swore they were 15 or so, and when I realized that they were by themselves I asked them how old they were and they were fricken 22 and 19!!!! WHAT!!! I seriously want to move to Japan and get a girl there ;~; There were students at this one University that I swore was called Sekai University or something like that. The 22 year old was an English major, her English was good, and she was hot. The 19 year old was a Law major, I didn't really here her speak but she was cute too, I don't think she knew English well.
#5: One of my co-workers Keoni found a bag full of medicine today. IDK, this was interesting cause we had no idea what kind they were. I wrote down some of the English letterings which two had. One was called Loxomarin which I googled and found out was a sort of migrain relief and Cefzon which was like an antibiotic.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Why "Avatar "wasn't all that good.
Summary: Not worth the hyperbolic praise I keep hearing about.
Story: Set in the future where mankind invades a alien planet for a very valuable mineral worth millions. Our main hero Jake Sully is sent out to use an "avatar" of a native alien of a planet so that he must learn how it is like to be a "Na'vi" so that one day he will tell them that they are going to be invaded. Jake then becomes attached to his avatar life and then has to decide whether or not to care for the Na'vi.
Is the storyline good?
Not quite, to me it seemed like an "Americans are bastards but everyone else are good guys" type of movies. It is quite comparable to Pocahontas when the Invaders think they are the good guys and that the natives are savages. The movie also has blatant environmentalist concerns, come on, save the land rather than let them gather/destroy natural resources? please, I don't need any more tree huger movie.
You can tell this movie has some serious racist issues, if you made the "Na'vi" any other color than blue, then you would have the whole African community up on you.
The antagonists in this movie are your stereotypical testosterone fueled knucklehead who doesn't know how to get what they want without using deadly force. Sure, they had to get the materials from under the tree, but did they have to blow up the mother tree? Have fun cleaning up that mess to get what's under it. It seems like they're solution to every problem is to blow it up. I mean people like the antagonist of Avatar just don't exist. If they did, then the middle east would be a giant crater by now. You would have to be incredibly retarded to be like the bad guy of this movie.
How about the character/environment design?
The na'vi like I mentioned earlier are pretty much a minority race made blue and in CG, mostly resembling Africans. The language of the na'vi also greatly resembles Swahili.
As for the creature designs, most of them resembled prehistoric creatures such as triceratops, pterodactyls, etc. Others look like animals we have today but more retarded/ferocious (savage) like dogs, horses, etc. One creature that always bugged me was the one that looked like a big lizard and then when a predator (presumably) would go near it, it would turn into a mini helicopter and just float around, in hopes to scare the predator away. Of course they designed it just to look pretty, but for functioning purpose, I feel sorry for the creature, I really doubt the predators of that forest would be stopped by that display.
The whole planet, pretty much looks like Africa and that's about it, oh but wait, all in CG.
Sure the movie was pretty but if you think about it, the whole movie was most likely all done through green screens and computers.
How about the orchestral score?
It was pretty decent, but came on way too often. I mean in Left for Dead, the orchestral music comes in at the right time but in Avatar, some intense orchestral score would start playing even when something small happened (see first horse training scene for example). To be outdone musically by a videogame is downright ridiculous.
Was 3D worth it?
Okay, so I was pretty impressed with the 3D for the first 10 minutes of the movie cause some things actually did look like it was coming out realistically. After that, things seriously meshed and I could have sworn my glasses were broken.
I must admit that this movie was really pretty but the hamfisted storyline makes it unbelievably average. Trust me, if I would want to watch a movie with environmentalist undertones I would much rather watch "Princess Mononoke" again, at least that had intelligent antagonists with a darn good reason with what they're doing and a much more gripping storyline. The storyline of Avatar felt way to forced and made you ask yourself, "why?" 2/5 (poor)
Forced storyline (darn you Al Gore)
Bad music score
too much hyperbolic praise
Darn 3D cashcow movie
Story: Set in the future where mankind invades a alien planet for a very valuable mineral worth millions. Our main hero Jake Sully is sent out to use an "avatar" of a native alien of a planet so that he must learn how it is like to be a "Na'vi" so that one day he will tell them that they are going to be invaded. Jake then becomes attached to his avatar life and then has to decide whether or not to care for the Na'vi.
Is the storyline good?
Not quite, to me it seemed like an "Americans are bastards but everyone else are good guys" type of movies. It is quite comparable to Pocahontas when the Invaders think they are the good guys and that the natives are savages. The movie also has blatant environmentalist concerns, come on, save the land rather than let them gather/destroy natural resources? please, I don't need any more tree huger movie.
You can tell this movie has some serious racist issues, if you made the "Na'vi" any other color than blue, then you would have the whole African community up on you.
The antagonists in this movie are your stereotypical testosterone fueled knucklehead who doesn't know how to get what they want without using deadly force. Sure, they had to get the materials from under the tree, but did they have to blow up the mother tree? Have fun cleaning up that mess to get what's under it. It seems like they're solution to every problem is to blow it up. I mean people like the antagonist of Avatar just don't exist. If they did, then the middle east would be a giant crater by now. You would have to be incredibly retarded to be like the bad guy of this movie.
How about the character/environment design?
The na'vi like I mentioned earlier are pretty much a minority race made blue and in CG, mostly resembling Africans. The language of the na'vi also greatly resembles Swahili.
As for the creature designs, most of them resembled prehistoric creatures such as triceratops, pterodactyls, etc. Others look like animals we have today but more retarded/ferocious (savage) like dogs, horses, etc. One creature that always bugged me was the one that looked like a big lizard and then when a predator (presumably) would go near it, it would turn into a mini helicopter and just float around, in hopes to scare the predator away. Of course they designed it just to look pretty, but for functioning purpose, I feel sorry for the creature, I really doubt the predators of that forest would be stopped by that display.
The whole planet, pretty much looks like Africa and that's about it, oh but wait, all in CG.
Sure the movie was pretty but if you think about it, the whole movie was most likely all done through green screens and computers.
How about the orchestral score?
It was pretty decent, but came on way too often. I mean in Left for Dead, the orchestral music comes in at the right time but in Avatar, some intense orchestral score would start playing even when something small happened (see first horse training scene for example). To be outdone musically by a videogame is downright ridiculous.
Was 3D worth it?
Okay, so I was pretty impressed with the 3D for the first 10 minutes of the movie cause some things actually did look like it was coming out realistically. After that, things seriously meshed and I could have sworn my glasses were broken.
I must admit that this movie was really pretty but the hamfisted storyline makes it unbelievably average. Trust me, if I would want to watch a movie with environmentalist undertones I would much rather watch "Princess Mononoke" again, at least that had intelligent antagonists with a darn good reason with what they're doing and a much more gripping storyline. The storyline of Avatar felt way to forced and made you ask yourself, "why?" 2/5 (poor)
Forced storyline (darn you Al Gore)
Bad music score
too much hyperbolic praise
Darn 3D cashcow movie
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